Our Publications
SACOSS produces a number of publications including reports, submissions, CPI snapshots, annual reports, fact sheets and policy briefing notes. You can search by topic, publication type or take a look through what we’ve published by the year. If you can’t find what you’re looking for, contact SACOSS at
Argues that philanthropy is not a substitute for government funding.
Detailed discussion paper on public involvement in the South Australian health system.
SACOSS policy proposals for public involvement in the South Australian health system.
Looks at the impact of housing on inequality
SACOSS’ preferred model for consumer protections in the energy market.
Who benefits form sharing consumer data?
SACOSS submits that options for appropriate protections from remote disconnection for non-payment in NECF jurisdictions be explored.
Objectives should include reducing emissions in line with limiting global warming to 1.5 degrees C and reducing poverty and inequality.
Stresses the importance of ensuring that demand-side measures do not disadvantage the most vulnerable people in our society.
Looks at public health implications of late night trading
Looks at rental affordability in Adelaide according to state electorates.
The Cost of Living snapshot of Consumer Price Index (CPI) data for the December quarter 2022