Our Publications
SACOSS produces a number of publications including reports, submissions, CPI snapshots, annual reports, fact sheets and policy briefing notes. You can search by topic, publication type or take a look through what we’ve published by the year. If you can’t find what you’re looking for, contact SACOSS at
The Essential Services Commission of SA should develop consumer protections for all customers of off-grid energy retailers.
Four in ten social housing tenants say that their homes do not meet their needs for thermal comfort.
SACOSS is advocating for minimum energy efficiency standards for private and public rental properties.
SACOSS is concerned that the AER is setting a rate of return which contributes to increasing inequality in society.
Commentary on the Review of the Health Care Act 2008
A summary of cost of living changes for different households in the June Quarter.
This report provides results of a survey conducted by SACOSS and Mint Research.
Examines the impact of privatisation on housing in SA.
Examines the impact of privatisation on income and wealth inequality.
This annual briefing examines the introduction of time of use tariffs.
This annual briefing addresses communal debt for water supply in remote Aboriginal communities in South Australia