Our Publications
SACOSS produces a number of publications including reports, submissions, CPI snapshots, annual reports, fact sheets and policy briefing notes. You can search by topic, publication type or take a look through what we’ve published by the year. If you can’t find what you’re looking for, contact SACOSS at
This Inquiry into the health impacts of alcohol and other drugs is timely, given the increasing level of harm resulting from alcohol consumption, and the concurrent high level of domestic, family and sexual violence.
Early contact with the criminal justice system increases the likelihood of children and young people becoming chronic and repeat offenders, with a likely trajectory towards adult incarceration.
This submission responds to ESCOSA’s Draft Decision on the regulatory reporting for small scale licensees and supports the inclusion of several additional reporting metrics.
Planning for the social impact of economic development in regional SA.
In 2022-23, South Australians spent $1,792m on gambling, an average of $1,227 per person.
This year's briefing looks at fair and equitable water pricing and planning for future water needs.
Our response to the Social Workers’ Registration Board Scope of Practice and Social Work Services Consultation Survey.
Rather than only responding to the six questions in the online survey, SACOSS has chosen to provide a more detailed submission.
ACOSS, ACTCOSS, QCOSS and SACOSS submission on consumer safeguards on the accelerated deployment of smart meters.
This submission looks at the range of factors and drivers that contribute to domestic, family and sexual violence, and offers responses to how it can be prevented and responded to.
This briefing note points out the shortcomings of the definition of 'political expenditure'.
This year's briefing addresses a number of issues, particularly smart meters and time-of-use tariffs.