Our Publications
SACOSS produces a number of publications including reports, submissions, CPI snapshots, annual reports, fact sheets and policy briefing notes. You can search by topic, publication type or take a look through what we’ve published by the year. If you can’t find what you’re looking for, contact SACOSS at
SACOSS supports the intent of the Draft Rule, but we are not convinced it should be so focussed on costs to retailers.
A summary of cost of living changes for different households in the December Quarter.
Call for 7-star rating as a national minimum building standard
Submission about the Equal Opportunity (Religious Bodies) Amendment Bill 2020.
The inadequacy of the base level of income support payments and the good impacts of the Coronavirus Supplement.
Letter to the Minister on the need for accessible housing.
The SACOSS 73rd Annual Report 2019-20 highlights a busy and challenging year.
The South Australian Council of Social Service Financial Report for the year ended June 30 2020.
Summary of the state budget in areas of interest to vulnerable and disadvantaged South Australians
Summarises the SA telecommunications affordability data from the recently released Australian Digital Inclusion Index
SACOSS considers the current information in the performance score card is insufficient for stakeholders to fully understand SA Water’s obligations.