Our Publications
SACOSS produces a number of publications including reports, submissions, CPI snapshots, annual reports, fact sheets and policy briefing notes. You can search by topic, publication type or take a look through what we’ve published by the year. If you can’t find what you’re looking for, contact SACOSS at
SACOSS has serious concerns about the transparency and adequacy of consumer consultation surrounding the events leading up to this application.
This is the final report based on research by Alviss Consulting on energy concessions schemes.
Briefing note on the budget using the lens of the ‘cover the basics’ campaign
The Regulations will limit the access of people in the affected communities to the essential service of electricity.
This submission addresses each of the questions in the Consultation Paper.
The regulatory framework should support a safe and equitable roll out of smart meters.
We consider a fundamental structural amendment to both National Electricity Objectives is required to underpin meaningful change.
Argues that insurance is essential, and calls on the government to address insurance affordability.
This Cost of Living Update highlights problems of rental affordability in South Australia.
The Review must be focused on the protection of the long-term interests of South Australian energy consumers.
A broader consultation should take place with a genuine cross section of the community.