media hub
Information for media
SACOSS works with journalists and the media to highlight the impact of poverty, inequality and injustice on all South Australians, as well as potential policy solutions. SACOSS is represented in the media by CEO Ross Womersley. For all media requests please contact:
South Australians who can least afford it will bear the brunt of proposed electricity price rises.
The SA Health Minister, Chris Picton, has launched a new initiative to be led by SACOSS, that will support more equitable healthcare system.
The concessions system is fundamentally broken and people are missing out on the support they need to cover basic living costs.
Poor design and implementation of government assistance means too many people still can’t afford the energy they need.
Advocates call for a rental price cap as government review fails to address affordability.
Attorneys-General release secret report calling for age of criminal responsibility to be raised to 14 without exception.
A group of over 150 organisations and individuals have endorsed a statement calling for a parliamentary Inquiry into a Human Rights Act for South Australia.
SACOSS calls on the state government to increase funding for energy concessions going to low-income households.
SACOSS today released its latest Cost of Living report, which highlights rapidly increasing rent and rental affordability problems in regional SA.