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Energy, Water and Climate Change

Submission to ESCOSA on its Draft Inquiry Report into the regulatory arrangements for small-scale water, sewerage and energy services

30 September 2020

Submission to ESCOSA on its Draft Inquiry Report into the regulatory arrangements for small-scale water, sewerage and energy services

Download: Submission to ESCOSA on its Draft Inquiry Report into the regulatory arrangements for small-scale water, sewerage and energy services

Submission on the integration of distributed energy resources

10 September 2020

SACOSS' submission to the Australian Energy Market Commission's consultation to update regulatory arrangements for the integration of distributed energy resources

Download: SACOSS submission on integration of distributed energy resources

Submission to the Productivity Commission’s National Water Reform Issues Paper

28 August 2020

Submission to the Productivity Commission’s National Water Reform Issues Paper

Submission on proposed Retailer Energy Productivity Scheme

23 July 2020

SACOSS’ submission to the Department for Energy and Mining (DEM) consultation on proposed Retailer Energy Productivity Scheme

Download Submission on proposed Retailer Energy Productivity Scheme

Submission on proposed tariffs to incentivise energy use in low demand periods in SA

13 July 2020

SACOSS’ submission to the Department for Energy and Mining (DEM) consultation on proposed tariffs to incentivise energy use in low demand periods in SA.

Download Submission on proposed tariffs to incentivise energy use in low demand periods in SA

Submission to ESCOSA on SA Water Regulatory Determination 2020-24 – Draft Determination

15 April 2020

SACOSS' Submission to the Essential Services Commission of South Australia on the SA Water Regulatory Determination 2020-24 – Draft Determination

Download: SACOSS Submission to ESCOSA on the SA Water Regulatory Determination 2020-24 – Draft Determination

Increasing access to the home battery scheme for rentals

4 February 2020

SACOSS' submission to the Department for Energy and Mining on increasing access to the Home Battery Scheme for rental properties. Further information about the consultation process can be found here, https://yoursay.sa.gov.au/decisions/home-battery-scheme-access/background

You can find our submission here.

Submission to the Australian Energy Regulator on SA Power Networks' 2020-25 Revised Regulatory Proposal

16 January 2020

Submission to the Australian Energy Regulator on SA Power Networks' 2020-25 Revised Regulatory Proposal

Download: Submission to the Australian Energy Regulator on SA Power Networks' 2020-25 Revised Regulatory Proposal

Submission to ESCOSA on SA Water's 2020-2024 Regulatory Business Proposal: 'Our Plan' 2020

19 December 2019

Submission to ESCOSA on SA Water's 2020-2024 Regulatory Business Proposal: 'Our Plan' 2020 

Download: Submission to ESCOSA on SA Water's 2020-2024 Regulatory Business Proposal: 'Our Plan' 2020 

Submission to the Department for Energy and Mining on the Retailer Energy Efficiency Scheme Review: Directions Paper

1 November 2019

Submission to the Department for Energy and Mining on the Retailer Energy Efficiency Scheme Review: Directions Paper

Download: Submission to the Department for Energy and Mining on the Retailer Energy Efficiency Scheme Review: Directions Paper