Justice, Opportunity and Shared Wealth for all South Australians

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Your SACOSS membership strengthens our ability to be a powerful voice for disadvantaged South Australians. It also connects you to the national Council Of Social Service Network and 4,000 community sector organisations and individuals across Australia. We welcome  member participation in activities that enhance the voice of the community on behalf of vulnerable and disadvantaged South Australians. Together, we advocate on behalf of three million people living in poverty and millions more living on low incomes. 


It also gives you direct benefits including:

  • Invitation to key member-only events like the Post-Budget Breakfast with the Treasurer
  • Discounted attendance for members to SACOSS Conferences and other paid SACOSS events
  • Participation and collaboration on sector issues and campaigns
  • Access to our SACOSS Snapshot, eBulletin and Member Advisories to keep up to date with community sector issues
  • Discount rates for the hire of Marjorie Black Community Room and the Daphne Gum Quiet Room for organisation/Associate members.
  • Attendance at Annual General Meeting
  • Voting rights for Policy Council, Board and other governance areas (Individual and Organisational Members)
  • Full membership also means that you can stand and vote for SACOSS Policy Council and governing Board 
  • Strengthening the health and community services sector in SA by ensuring your concerns for and about the sector are heard

Membership categories
  • Individual
  • Organisation
  • Associate
Memberships are renewed annually on 1 July for the following financial year. All memberships require the approval of the SACOSS Board.
Individual members receive voting rights and may exercise one vote.
The following fees apply:
Waged (in paid employment) $55 per year (including GST)
Unwaged $12 per year (including GST)
Eligible organisations (including not-for-profit body corporates and others as set out in our Constitution) are invited to become organisational members. Organisational members must nominate two official representatives each of whom can exercise one vote on behalf of the organisation. Fees are based on the organisation’s total turnover from all sources.
Membership Turnover Category Fee including GST
Under $100k turnover $130.00
$100k to under $500k $380.00
$500k to under $1.0m $630.00
$1.0m to under $2.5m $1,030.00
$2.5m to under $5.0m $1,420.00
$5.0m - $20.0m $1,910.00
$20.0m - $50.0m $3,560.00
Over $50.0m $6,470.00



Government agencies and for-profit organisations may apply for an Associate Membership (as set out in our Constitution). Associates have the same rights as other members including attendance of any General Meeting of SACOSS but do not have voting or nomination rights. Fees are based on the Associate's total turnover from all sources.

Membership Turnover Category Fee including GST
Under $100k turnover $130.00
$100k to under $500k $380.00
$500k to under $1.0m $630.00
$1.0m to under $2.5m $1,030.00
$2.5m to under $5.0m $1,420.00
$5.0m - $20.0m $1,910.00
$20.0m - $50.0m $3,560.00
Over $50.0m $6,470.00
How to join SACOSS