Justice, Opportunity and Shared Wealth for all South Australians

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Submission to the Australian Energy Market Commission on the Accelerating Smart Meter Deployment Draft Rule Determination

3 June 2024

Submission to the Australian Energy Market Commission on the Accelerating Smart Meter Deployment Draft Rule Determination

Download: Submission to the Australian Energy Market Commission on the Accelerating Smart Meter Deployment Draft Rule Determination

Submission to the Australian Energy Regulator on the SA Power Networks Electricity Distribution Determination 2025-30: Issues Paper

16 May 2024

Submission to the Australian Energy Regulator on the SA Power Networks Electricity Distribution Determination 2025-30: Issues Paper

Download: Submission to the Australian Energy Regulator on the SA Power Networks Electricity Distribution Determination 2025-30: Issues Paper

Submission to consultation on draft Ministerial Building Standard 007 NCC 2022

13 May 2024

Submission to the consultation on the draft Ministerial Building Standard 007 associated with the National Construction Code 2022. 

Download: Submission to MBS 007 NCC 2022

Submission to ESCOSA on the Australian Gas Networks Regulatory Framework Review 2026-2031 Issues Paper

29 April 2024

Submission to ESCOSA on the Australian Gas Networks Regulatory Framework Review 2026-2031 Issues Paper

Download: Submission to ESCOSA on the Australian Gas Networks Regulatory Framework Review 2026-2031 Issues Paper

Joint submission to DCCEEW Electricity and Energy Sector Plan

26 April 2024

Joint submission to DCCEEW Electricity and Energy Sector Plan

Download: Joint submission to DCCEEW Electricity and Energy Sector Plan

Submission to the Senate Inquiry into the 3G Network Shutdown

22 April 2024

Download SACOSS Submission on the 3G Network Closure

This is a submission to the Senate Standing Committees on Rural and Regional Affairs and Transport's inquiry into the closure of the 3G telecommunications network. It highlights issues of affordability caused by devices being made redundant, and calls for action beyond simply informing consumers about which devices will be impacted by the closure.

Joint submission to the Australian Energy Regulator on the Default Market Offer 6 Draft Determination

11 April 2024

Joint submission to the Australian Energy Regulator on the Default Market Offer 6 Draft Determination

Download: Joint submission to the Australian Energy Regulator on the Default Market Offer 6 Draft Determination

Submission on the Attorney-General Department’s Discussion Paper: Minimum Age of Criminal Responsibility – Alternative Diversion Model

4 April 2024

Contrary to the available evidence, the Discussion Paper’s proposals do not constitute a diversionary approach. They fly in the face of the state-based, national and international available expertise, and further serve to harm and criminalise children, and make South Australian communities less safe.

Download Submission on the Attorney-General Department’s Discussion Paper: Minimum Age of Criminal Responsibility – Alternative Diversion Model

Submission to the Australian Energy Regulator on its Retail Guidelines Review: Draft Guideline

22 March 2024

Submission to the Australian Energy Regulator on its Retail Guidelines Review: Draft Guideline

Download: Submission to the Australian Energy Regulator on its Retail Guidelines Review: Draft Guideline


Submission to Senate Select Committee on Cost of Living

20 March 2024

Download Submission on Cost of Living

This submission to the Senate Select Committee focuses largely on data (or lack of data) on cost of living issues, the need to understand cost of living pressures as applying very differently to different households (and not at all to some households), and as being not just about prices but fundamentally impacted by housing, income and social transfers in kind.