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Energy, Water and Climate Change

Joint Councils of Social Service letter to Energy Ministers on urgent measures for households experiencing energy stress

23 June 2022

Joint Councils of Social Service letter to Energy Ministers on urgent measures for households experiencing energy stress

Download: Joint Councils of Social Service letter to Energy Ministers on urgent measures for households experiencing energy stress

Joint Statement on the Energy Crisis: Support the vulnerable, boost energy efficiency and speed transition to clean energy

7 June 2022

Joint Statement on the Energy Crisis: Support the vulnerable, boost energy efficiency and speed transition to clean energy

Download: Joint Statement on the Energy Crisis: Support the vulnerable, boost energy efficiency and speed transition to clean energy

Submission to ESCOSA on Cowell Electric Supply Pty Ltd licence amendment: Proposed prepayment by default consumer protections Draft Decision

2 June 2022

Submission to ESCOSA on Cowell Electric Supply Pty Ltd licence amendment: Proposed prepayment by default consumer protections Draft Decision

Download: Submission to ESCOSA on Cowell Electric Supply Pty Ltd licence amendment: Proposed prepayment by default consumer protections Draft Decision

Submission to the Australian Energy Regulator on SA Power Networks' cost pass through application

12 May 2022

Submission to the Australian Energy Regulator on SA Power Networks' cost pass through application

Download: Submission to the Australian Energy Regulator on SA Power Networks' cost pass through application

Submission to the Legislative Review Committee on the Electricity (General) (Payment Condition) Variation Regulations 2021

12 April 2022

Submission to the Legislative Review Committee on the Electricity (General) (Payment Condition) Variation Regulations 2021

Download: Submission to the Legislative Review Committee on the Electricity (General) (Payment Condition) Variation Regulations 2021

Submission to ESCOSA on the Off-grid Energy Consumer Protection Framework Review

25 March 2022

Submission to ESCOSA on the Off-grid Energy Consumer Protection Framework Review

Download: Submission to ESCOSA on the Off-grid Energy Consumer Protection Framework Review

Submission to the Australian Energy Regulator on its Draft Consumer Vulnerability Strategy

28 February 2022

Submission to the Australian Energy Regulator on its Draft Consumer Vulnerability Strategy

Download: Submission to the Australian Energy Regulator on its Draft Consumer Vulnerability Strategy

Submission to the Department for Energy and Mining on the acceleration of the smart meter roll out in SA

22 February 2022

Submission to the Department for Energy and Mining on the acceleration of the smart meter roll out in SA

Download: Submission to the Department for Energy and Mining on the acceleration of the smart meter roll out in SA

Submission to the Department for Energy and Mining on its Electricity Licensing Review

21 February 2022

Submission to the Department for Energy and Mining on its Electricity Licensing Review

Download: Submission to the Department for Energy and Mining on its Electricity Licensing Review

Submission on the Australian Energy Market Operator's Draft Integrated System Plan

11 February 2022

SACOSS' submission on the Australian Energy Market Operator's Draft Integrated System Plan (2022)

SACOSS' submission to 2022 Draft Integrated System Plan