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Energy, Water and Climate Change

Submission on the National Energy Performance Strategy Consultation Paper

3 February 2023

Submission on the National Energy Performance Strategy Consultation Paper

Download: Submission on the National Energy Performance Strategy Consultation Paper

Submission to the review of the Residential Tenancies Act 1995

16 December 2022

SACOSS have welcomed the opportunity to engage with the review of the Residential Tenancies Act 1995. South Australians are currently experiencing a rental affordability crisis. Disappointingly, the review Discussion Paper fails to adequately address this crisis, but our submission is largely focused on affordability issues.

Download: Submission to the review of the Residential Tenancies Act 1995

Submission to the 2022 Planning Review

16 December 2022

SACOSS have provided feedback to the review of the Planning, Development and Infrastructure Act 2016 and the Planning and Design Code. Our submission recommends that the Expert Panel consider not merely the operation of the planning system but the impact of the planning system at the intersections between poverty, housing, energy, water, climate change, and disaster risk and resilience.

Download: Submission to the 2022 Planning Review

Submission to ESCOSA on the Inquiry into Retail Energy Prices

15 December 2022

Submission to ESCOSA on the Inquiry into Retail Energy Prices

Download: Submission to ESCOSA on the Inquiry into Retail Energy Prices

Submission to the Australian Energy Regulator on the Default Market Offer Prices 2023-24 Issues Paper

5 December 2022

Submission to the Australian Energy Regulator on the Default Market Offer Prices 2023-24 Issues Paper

Download: Submission to the Australian Energy Regulator on the Default Market Offer Prices 2023-24 Issues Paper

Submission to ESCOSA on the small-scale energy networks consumer protection framework review: Draft Decision

4 October 2022

Submission to ESCOSA on the small-scale energy networks consumer protection framework review: Draft Decision

Download: Submission to ESCOSA on the small-scale energy networks consumer protection framework review: Draft Decision

Joint letter to Energy Ministers on the Energy Security Board's Capacity Mechanism

10 August 2022

Joint letter to Energy Ministers on the Energy Security Board's Capacity Mechanism

Download: Joint letter to Energy Ministers on the Energy Security Board's Capacity Mechanism

Joint Statement in support of lifting energy performance standards for new homes in the National Construction Code 2022

10 August 2022

Joint Statement in support of lifting energy performance standards for new homes in the National Construction Code 2022

Download: Joint Statement in support of lifting energy performance standards for new homes in the National Construction Code 2022

Joint Councils of Social Service letter to Energy Ministers on the inclusion of social equity in the National Electricity Objectives

9 August 2022

Joint Councils of Social Service letter to Energy Ministers on the inclusion of social equity in the National Electricity Objectives

Download: Joint Councils of Social Service letter to Energy Ministers on the inclusion of social equity in the National Electricity Objectives

Joint submission to the Australian Energy Market Commission Draft Determination protecting customers affected by family violence

4 August 2022

Joint submission to the Australian Energy Market Commission Draft Determination protecting customers affected by family violence

Download: Joint submission to the Australian Energy Market Commission Draft Determination protecting customers affected by family violence