Justice, Opportunity and Shared Wealth for all South Australians

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SA fails on water fundamentals

31 March 2021

SA fails on water fundamentals for regional & remote SA communities
The South Australian Council of Social Service (SACOSS) was glad to today address a public hearing held by the Productivity Commission for its National Water Reform inquiry, following the release of the Commission's National Water Reform Draft Report. SACOSS CEO Ross Womersley told the Commission that action is needed to address issues of water quality, reliability and cost of water services for regional and remote SA communities.

SA lags behind on critical digital frontier

30 March 2021

As Adelaide prepares to host the 11th Australian Space Forum tomorrow, the South Australian Council of Social Service (SACOSS) is highlighting the other end of the technology spectrum, where many South Australians still struggle with digital connection and digital literacy.

It's time to make new housing more accessible

3 March 2021

SACOSS is glad to be part of the Building Better Homes Campaign, a coalition of over 50 organisations representing Australian seniors, people with disabilities and the health, allied health, social and housing sectors.

What is the Building Better Homes Campaign?

Regional areas resilient but under pressure

2 March 2021

The South Australian Council of Social Service (SACOSS) met yesterday with service providers from across the Eyre Peninsula in the areas of health, aged care, disability services, children's services, local government and more, to share information, highlights and challenges.

$8 million a week blow to SA economy

1 March 2021

This week’s JobSeeker announcement means more than just a real hit to the hip pockets of people looking for work, writes SACOSS's Dr Greg Ogle. It also means a blow of over $8 million a week to the SA economy, while a range of industries are still suffering.

Overall youth detention down but proportion of Aboriginal youth is up

1 March 2021

Overall youth detention trends in South Australia are down but the proportion of Aboriginal youth detention is the highest it’s been for at least five years.

The AIHW has just released its report into youth detention in Australia, which presents information on the youth detention population in Australia from June 2016 to June 2020.

JobSeeker announcement a low blow

24 February 2021

During the past decade, as CEO of the South Australian Council of Social Service, I have spoken to hundreds of people who are unemployed and underemployed. And many people working at, and leading, the services that support them.

I’ve repeatedly heard first-hand what the cruelly low rate of income support has meant for people as they’ve searched desperately for work to put food on the table, keep a roof over their families’ heads, buy medicine and pay bills.

SA will suffer with JobSeeker blow

23 February 2021

The South Australian Council of Social Service says the government’s JobSeeker announcement today is a harsh blow for people who are looking for work, and who will struggle to get by. It will also be a blow to the South Australian economy generally, and to parts of regional South Australia in particular.

"The base rate of JobSeeker was previously around $40 a day, and was widely recognised as hopelessly inadequate," stated SACOSS CEO Ross Womersley. "In response to the COVID-19 pandemic it was boosted by a Supplement."

Poverty cycle puts pressure on parents

31 December 2020

The 2020 annual reports from the SA Department for Child Protection and the SA Guardian for Children and Young People highlight concerning statistics on the number of children in state care in South Australia. Taken together with news reports in recent weeks that highlight just how vulnerable children in state care can be, they provide a compelling case for action. 

What difference could a human rights framework make?

11 December 2020

Human Rights on the ground in SA – what difference could a human rights framework make? 

Rights Resource Network SA: International Human Rights Day Event 
‘Time for a Human Rights Framework for South Australia?’ 

Address by Ross Womersley, SACOSS CEO 
December 10 2020