Justice, Opportunity and Shared Wealth for all South Australians

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Tax reform's role in SA's post-pandemic recovery

18 May 2020

by Ross Womersley

However long the economic recovery from COVID-19 takes, there is no doubt that the state government finances will be a challenge.

Low interest rates mean access to finance is as cost effective as it has ever been and therefore we can, and should, run budget deficits to enable us to rebuild the economy post COVID-19.

Growing SA unemployment highlights need to extend JobKeeper and JobSeeker

14 May 2020

COVID-19 continues to wreak havoc in SA with today’s figures showing a whopping 200,000 South Australians now out of work or looking for more work.

SACOSS in response is calling on the Federal Government to maintain and extend vital coronavirus supports, and is also asking those who haven’t taken a financial hit to consider doing their part by donating to local charities.

Call for more charity as cost of living data shows some households better off during crisis

6 May 2020

The South Australian Council of Social Service today launched its latest Cost of Living Update looking at the impact of the summer’s bushfires and the coronavirus on SA households. The report shows how the coronavirus particularly has impacted differently on different households. Those who lost jobs or working hours, especially those who are outside the government safety net, have obviously been hit hard, but some households are likely to be financially better off: those working extra hours, or simply maintaining their incomes but with lower living costs.

Coronavirus Tracing and Digital Inclusion

16 April 2020

The government is looking to utilise a location app for tracing people who have come into contact with someone carrying coronavirus. Such contact-tracing is vital for controlling the spread of the virus and (if there are appropriate privacy safeguards) an app may be of great use in this process, but not everyone will have the choice to use this service. Those without smart phones and data, or who don’t have the digital literacy to use such an app are at risk of being missed in contact tracing, potentially putting them – and the community – at greater risk.

SA: The Heaps Unfair State

27 March 2020

The Heaps Unfair State: Why have health inequities increased in South Australia and how can this trend be reversed?

SA: The Heaps Unfair State report - produced by the Southgate Institute for Health, Society and Equity at Flinders University and the South Australian Council of Social Service (SACOSS) - provides evidence that shows a significant increase in inequities in South Australia since the 1980s and also recommends how to improve this state’s health outcomes.

Rising SA health inequities need urgent attention in the era of COVID-19

26 March 2020

SA deemed “Heaps Unfair” when it comes to health according to new report.

Govt urged to act as COVID-19 pushes community services to the brink

20 March 2020
SACOSS is warning that the community services sector will be unable to support vulnerable South Australians through the COVID-19 crisis unless the Federal Government steps-up to provide an urgent rescue package.
Community services were already struggling to keep up with demand in aged care, homelessness and support for people escaping domestic violence, as well as providing disability, mental health, and drug and alcohol services, and will soon reach a crisis point due to COVID-19.

Govt urged to act as COVID-19 pushes community services to the brink

19 March 2020

SACOSS is warning that the community services sector will be unable to support vulnerable South Australians through the COVID-19 crisis unless the Federal...

Call for essential service costs relief for those impacted by COVID-19 measures

17 March 2020

The South Australian Council of Social Service (SACOSS) has endorsed the national statement by more than 30 community services organisations calling on companies providing essential services such as energy, water, finance, rental housing and telecommunications to take steps to support those impacted by the COVID-19 crisis, including by committing to:

SACOSS State Conference 2020: Building Social Infrastructure

5 March 2020