Justice, Opportunity and Shared Wealth for all South Australians

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20,000 more households to get help with energy: SACOSS applauds government’s decision to extend audit scheme

24 October 2018

SACOSS has welcomed the State Government’s announcement today to expand the Retailer Energy Efficiency Scheme, which should see approximately 20,000 extra households eligible for free home energy audits. 

“Before the election SACOSS had called for an expansion of the REES to help 'the working poor’ so we applaud this decision,” says Jo De Silva, SACOSS Senior Policy Adviser in Energy.

The need to be online is blowing a hole in budgets of the poor: Better infrastructure and income support needed

15 October 2018

This week is both Anti-Poverty Week and Get Online Week in Australia, so it’s a good time to ask how anyone can get by spending just $12 a week on telecommunications. 

There’s no doubt telecommunications are essential in an age where government services, businesses, employment and education are all online, and much of our contact with friends and family rely on social media and digital communications. Recent SACOSS research shows that the average SA household spends $46 on telecommunications each week, equivalent to 3.2% of their disposable income. That was more...

Huge SA income boost of $288M if Newstart raised, says Deloitte

17 September 2018

Report shows raising Newstart & Youth Allowance will boost jobs, state taxes

South Australia’s total disposable income would increase by $288 million if the Federal Government raised Newstart, Youth Allowance and related payments by $75 per week.  This is according to a report by Deloitte Access Economics, released today by The Australian Council of Social Service (ACOSS), with support from SACOSS and the state and and territory councils of social service.


Budget delivers on election promises but risks our long-term future

4 September 2018
The Marshall Government's first State Budget contains swings and roundabouts, says the SA Council of Social Service.
"We appreciate that the Budget provides funding for election promises, including modest increases to some important programs for disadvantaged South Australians, " says SACOSS CEO Ross Womersley, "but at the same time we are concerned about cuts to a number of services."

Poverty figures paint a poor picture

24 August 2018

Mahatma Gandhi famously said that a society can be measured by how it treats its most vulnerable.
While it follows from this maxim that lifting people out of poverty should be a priority, the reality is that governments rarely shine a light on this issue. 

The issues are complex, and political life cycles often result in short term policy settings and programs which don’t give real and lasting solutions. 
So we applaud the SA Parliament which is currently examining the extent of poverty in South Australia.

Poverty rate twice as high in regional SA

13 August 2018

SACOSS is today releasing a substantial piece of research into poverty in SA.  This includes the calculation of a brand new and more accurate poverty line specific to SA. This is the first time SA-specific data has been used in this way.

Cost of living pressures bite hardest on unemployed: Report asks Steven Marshall to call for increase to Newstart

6 August 2018
SACOSS’s latest Cost of Living Report released today focuses on the struggle of South Australians living on the Newstart and other basic income support payments, and calls on SA Premier Steven Marshall to add the state government’s voice to the chorus of calls to increase these inadequate social security payments.
The SACOSS report, which includes examples of household budgets of five people trying to live on Newstart, finds that: 

Latest internet use data shows SA still lagging- 15% of South Australians don’t use the internet

4 June 2018

A Fact Sheet released by the South Australian Council of Social Service shows that 15% of South Australians don’t use the internet, 17.5% of South Australian households don’t have internet access at home, and South Australia lags behind the Australian average in most categories of internet use. The Fact Sheet is based on the latest ABS data on household internet use.

Key findings:

Hoax letter cheap shot at vital service

29 May 2018

LAST week there was another appalling, anonymous attack on a vital inner-city homelessness service, with fake Hutt St Centre expansion letters sent to neighbours. It is heartening to see though that, by and large, most local residents and businesses aren’t being been swayed by these scare campaigns, lies and misinformation.

SACOSS report card welcomes parties’ policies on digital poverty

13 March 2018

But uncertainty remains over cuts to services

Report Card Summary