Justice, Opportunity and Shared Wealth for all South Australians

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SACOSS Leaders Debate on Social Issues

1 March 2018

On Tuesday 27 February, SACOSS hosted a Leaders Debate on Social Issues at the Science Exchange in Adelaide. 

The Premier Jay Weatherill, Opposition Leader Stephen Marshall, and SA Best Leader Nick Xenophon gave short opening addresses, before answering questions from SACOSS, and then questions submitted to SACOSS prior to the debate from audience and sector members.

Hospitals squeezing out other healthcare

1 March 2018

A SACOSS analysis today reveals a dramatic fall in funding to non-hospital health services in South Australia. 

Using the most recent figures on total health funding by the Australian Institute of Health and Welfare, SACOSS has looked at the breakdown of hospital vs non-hospital health spending. 

According to these AIHW figures (2017), two-thirds of all SA government health expenditure goes on hospitals. Our analysis shows that non-hospital health expenditure (which includes community and public health, dental services and research) has fallen from 40% of all SA...

Consumers could be winners in energy election

22 February 2018

The South Australian Council of Social Service has welcomed the latest round of energy policy announcements today, and says that consumers could end up being the real winners in a state election focused on energy. 

Nick Xenophon today launched the SA Best Energy Policy  - which includes a community-owned electricity retailer as well as a move to review the energy concession - while the Labor Party announced interest-free loans for household solar energy.

More forced removals an offensive kneejerk reaction: There are much better ways to help kids in danger

22 February 2018

By Ross Womersley, CEO of The South Australian Council of Social Service
In light of the heartbreaking alleged rape of a toddler in Tennant Creek the kneejerk reaction –including in a prominent column in The Advertiser today – has been to call for even more Aboriginal children to be removed from their parents. 

SACOSS: Labor’s plan on digital a winner

20 February 2018

The South Australian Council of Social Service applauds today’s announcement by Premier Jay Weatherill that a re-elected Labor Government would take steps to bridge the digital divide in South Australia. It is good news for those people struggling with internet access and costs, and vital for ensuring that everyone can participate in the digital economy and society.

South Australia has lagged behind Australia with the second lowest score on the Australian Digital Inclusion Index, and with some 17% of households not accessing the internet (above the national average of 15%)....

Electric shock: South Australians spend more on telecommunications than on their power bills

12 February 2018

The South Australian Council of Social Service has today released its latest Cost of Living Update which shows that South Australians spend more on telecommunications than on electricity - and that like electricity costs, the cost of telecommunications hit those on the lowest incomes hardest. 
The SACOSS report, which is based on the official ABS Household Expenditure Survey data, shows that while telecommunications prices have been decreasing (unlike electricity!), telecommunications expenditure has increased with higher demand as government, businesses and culture...

Tough gig(abyte) for telecommunications consumers in regional SA

12 February 2018


The following fact sheets provide information on telecommunication costs for specific SA electorates within the regions that they sit.
All of Regional SA
            Fact Sheet

Laptops and internet are essential parts of education, yet not everyone can afford this technology

30 January 2018

As children across South Australia return to school, many low income families will be struggling with the costs involved – even in our "free" public schools. 

The ASG organisation, which is the largest provider of education scholarship plans in Australia, provides a handy education costs calculator and based on its own survey data. It estimates that getting back to school in Adelaide could cost on average $2,856 per primary school child per year and $4,865 for a secondary school student in public schools. It is obviously a lot more in faith-based and private...

The health of South Australians: it’s a sick joke!

22 January 2018

Our 3-point plan for a health turnaround through prevention and promotion

With South Australians sicker than ever, our public health consortium has launched a 3-point plan to restore our position as a leader in community health, and to boost our longevity, health outcomes and quality of life.

In the lead-up to the South Australian election in March, the South Australian Council of Social Service (SACOSS) has joined forces with the Public Health Association Australia (PHAA), the Australian Health Promotion Association (AHPA), Anti-Poverty Network SA and the People’s...

Extreme heat prompts calls for bill relief

18 January 2018
As South Australia braces for two days of extreme heat, SACOSS (the South Australian Council of Social Service) is today calling on all parties to commit to urgent reform of the energy concession to help with the high cost of electricity and so that households can afford to pay the cost of running air-conditioners when needed.