Justice, Opportunity and Shared Wealth for all South Australians

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Regional SA on wrong side of digital divide

18 April 2017

Regions need to be the focus of state digital inclusion strategy

The South Australian Council of Social Service is today highlighting the needs of regional and remote communities in SA in its call for a state strategy to overcome digital disadvantage

New Survey Finds Surprising Support for Inheritance Taxes and Gambling Tax Reform

11 April 2017

Results of a new survey released today should give fresh impetus to reform of state taxes according to the South Australian Council of Social Service. SACOSS commissioned independent pollsters, Mint Research, to survey 1,000 South Australians on their attitudes and understandings of state taxes, and on their views of a number of specific reform proposals. The results are contained in the SACOSS report, Unfinished Business: Two Years on from South Australia’s Tax Review released today.

Victorian Tax Reform Leaves SA Behind

3 April 2017

While much of the political focus in South Australia lately has been on energy issues, the state tax reforms announced recently by the Victorian government show that South Australia needs another round of tax reform.

Minister dodges any responsibility to address early intervention and prevention

16 February 2017

The South Australian Council of Social Service (SACOSS) says that the child safety Bill introduced to the Parliament in a rush misses the mark and will do little to stem the tide of children and young people who are entering our child protection system.  

Fix the rules, build storage and halt the repeated energy crises

9 February 2017

SACOSS is today calling for an urgent new contingency rule and a package of other measures to address energy instability across SA. 

Productivity Commission must take affordability seriously in telecommunications inquiry

8 February 2017

Key telecommunication consumer and social welfare groups today called on the Productivity Commission to consider more fully affordability issues in the Inquiry on the Telecommunications...

Will the Child Safety Bill save even one child from the child protection system?

25 January 2017

Joint Media Release

SACOSS, Australian Medical Association (SA), Youth Affairs Council of SA, Child and Family Welfare Association of SA, and Council for the Care of Children

SACOSS reacts to Gov’s Nyland response: still some question marks over early intervention

29 November 2016

SACOSS welcomes today’s response by the government to the Nyland Child Protection Systems Royal Commission report.

We commend the openness of the approach taken by government in tabling their response and encouraging its close consideration by the community and stakeholders. We welcome the chance to consider the Children and Young People (Safety) Bill...

SA wagering tax passes Parliament –a national first

18 November 2016

The South Australian Council of Social Service welcomes the passing of legislation to establish the SA Wagering Tax. The tax, which was announced as part of the State Budget this year, will ensure that online bookmakers pay gambling tax in South Australia on revenue made from South Australian gamblers.

Telecommunications affordability report shows those on low incomes missing out

3 November 2016

A major report into telecommunications affordability today launched jointly by the Australian Communications Consumer Action Network (ACCAN) and the South Australian Council of Social Service (SACOSS). highlights-concerns about low-income consumers in staying connected to telecommunications services .