Justice, Opportunity and Shared Wealth for all South Australians

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Smoke and mirrors hide housing crisis

5 August 2021

With  the state government’s announcement this week about tightening the eligibility criteria for public housing you could be forgiven for thinking the real problem is we have wealthy people rorting the system and taking the place of more deserving people.

Over 1 million in lockdown on lowest incomes excluded from COVID payment support

21 July 2021

With lockdowns now in South Australia, Victoria and New South Wales, over one million people, including hundreds of thousands of children, are excluded from the Federal Government’s COVID Disaster Payments because they are on a social security payment, even though many have lost part-time paid work.

South Australian Council of Social Service CEO Ross Womersley said: 

Councils of Social Service speak out on proposed NDIS changes

12 July 2021

On 9 July, federal, state and territory disability ministers met to debate a proposal to introduce independent assessments into the National Insurance Disability Scheme.

State Budget spend risks leaving too many South Australians behind

22 June 2021

SACOSS welcomes the continued deficit spending strategy in the 2021-22 State Budget to stimulate the economy, but maintains our concerns that much of the spending is not well-targeted to assist vulnerable and disadvantaged South Australians.

The South Australian Council of Social Service (SACOSS) State Budget Snapshot has been released this evening. The snapshot highlights a range of key areas: the good, the not so good, and some question marks.

United call for strong action on drinking water in regional and remote SA

21 June 2021

SACOSS together with a range of key groups have made a powerful joint statement on the need for the State Government to step up to ensure that all South Australians have access to safe, affordable, and secure water.

Their call comes as the State Government progresses work on its draft Water Security Statement for South Australia – the first major statewide strategy for water security for over a decade.

National call to raise the age of criminal responsibility

16 June 2021

Today the Australian Council of Social Service (ACOSS), the ACT Council of Social Service (ACTCOSS), New South Wales Council of Social Service (NCOSS), Northern Territory Council of Social Service (NTCOSS), Queensland Council of Social Service (QCOSS), South Australian Council of Social Service (SACOSS), Tasmanian Council of Social Service (TasCOSS), Victorian Council of Social Service (VCOSS), and Western Australia Council of Social Service (WACOSS) jointly called on Commonwealth, state and territory governments to raise the age of criminal responsibility from 10 to 14 years of age.

Spotlight on housing, water and energy at SACOSS Conference

19 May 2021

SACOSS' Living Without the Basics Conference at the Adelaide Convention Centre today cast a light on a range of topical issues relating to housing, water and energy efficiency, their intersection, and some of the impacts for health, well-being and costs of living. 

New report highlights gaps and question marks over water supply & safety in regional and rural SA

19 May 2021

The South Australian Council of Social Service (SACOSS) is releasing a new report (Falling through the gaps) that casts a light on the issue of access to safe, secure and reliable drinking water services in regional and remote South Australia. It also provides practical solutions that can bring real change, to ensure that communities in these areas can have this fundamental need met. SACOSS is calling for action on this critical area.

The real value of the increase in JobSeeker

9 May 2021

This week’s Federal Budget will include the cost of the recent increase in JobSeeker and it will presumably look like a lot of money – but SACOSS’ latest Cost of Living Report provides new data which shows that the recent increase (which replaced the much higher Coronavirus Supplement) is in fact very small for people looking for work.

Changes affecting unincorporated associations registering org.au

12 April 2021

Licensing rules have changed for org.au domain names for not-for-profit groups, hobby groups, and sporting clubs.

If you have an org.au domain name the new rules commence when your organisation's current licence period expires (the rule changes commenced on 12 April 2021 at 10am AEST for all new registrations).