Justice, Opportunity and Shared Wealth for all South Australians

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SACOSS welcomes policy commitments at forum with Peter Malinauskas

22 February 2022

SACOSS today held its “On the Couch” forum with Labor leader Peter Malinauskas and welcomed a number of his policy comments and commitments. The forum was held in the SACOSS offices and largely viewed online by leaders and staff from the social and community services sector right across the state.

SACOSS policy prescriptions for SA election 2022

17 February 2022

Public housing, digital inclusion & fixing water supply in regional and remote communities headline SACOSS’ “Cover the Basics” state election policy platform

SACOSS is today releasing its ‘Cover the Basics’ policy platform document, which outlines a series of policy prescriptions for SA political parties in the lead-up to the next SA state election and beyond it.

State Government's digital skills announcement a welcome step - but more to do

3 February 2022

South Australian Council of Social Service (SACOSS) welcomes the state government’s announcement today of funding to provide support and equipment for students to develop their digital skills. In particular, we congratulate the government on committing $23 million to providing internet connectivity and devices to low-income families who might otherwise be locked out of access to digital technology. 

Insurance costs exclude too many

22 December 2021

The 20th of December marked the two-year anniversary of when the Black Summer bushfires hit Cudlee Creek, killing one person, and destroying 72 houses and 227 cars. Fires continued into January, when Kersbrook and Kangaroo Island burned. The independent review into that bushfire season found that “A significant proportion of properties and businesses were underinsured or uninsured”. For these people, the effects of losing their homes or their vehicles must have been anything up to catastrophic.

SACOSS opposes mandated prepayment for energy bills

20 December 2021

Australian Energy Regulator's (AER's) work on Better Bills for customers is likely to be helpful, but the real focus should be on its draft Consumer Vulnerability Strategy - which has real merits but probably still won't help protect remote SA communities from being forced onto repayment requirements.

SACOSS welcomes today's release of the Australian Energy Regulator’s Draft Consumer Vulnerability Strategy for consultation.

Liveable Futures keynote: Ross Garnaut

5 December 2021



Prof Ross Garnaut's keynote address on the equity challenges of South Australia's transition to net zero, delivered at the SACOSS Liveable Futures Conference, 18 November 2021.


Five steps for a healthier state: South Australian Public Health consortium

18 November 2021

South Australia’s leading public health organisations have released a plan of five evidence-based priorities that if enacted by the next state government will lay the foundations for a healthier and happier population.

SACOSS Conference discusses equity challenges of our climate change responses

18 November 2021

SACOSS' Liveable Futures conference today provided an important and thought-provoking examination of critical equity considerations thrown up by our accelerating move to renewables.

"Decarbonising our economy in response to a changing climate is inevitable and necessary. But it’s also important for us to examine the equity implications of the energy transition," stressed SACOSS CEO Ross Womersley.

Digital inclusion: regional SA lags behind Adelaide & national regions

15 November 2021

SACOSS today released summary data on digital inclusion by regional area for South Australia, based on the recently-released 2021 Australian Digital Inclusion Index (ADII).

Urgent message to Attorneys-General: Don't fail children

14 November 2021

Attorneys-General are reportedly considering another move towards raising the age of criminal responsibility, with a formal announcement anticipated early in the week.

However, reports suggest that the announcement may fall short of what is required, not amounting to an agreement to raise the age to 14.

Groups across Australia have long been calling for the age of criminal responsibility to be raised to at least 14 years of age.