Justice, Opportunity and Shared Wealth for all South Australians

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Submission: AER Consumer Engagement Framework

10 August 2013

Submission: ESCOSA Review of Solar Feed-in Tariff Premiums

7 August 2013

Submission: AER Consumer Engagement Guidelines

5 August 2013

Submission: Revenue Determinations Framework

1 August 2013

SACOSS submission: Health Status and Health Determinants of South Australia’ working draft

1 August 2013

SACOSS responded to the 'State of Our Health' Working Draft, concerned that many of the measures and indicators that are included in the document implicitly treat health as a problem of individual 
bodies free from  or burdened by  disease. 

Download the SACOSS Submission on the 'State of Our Health' Draft

Submission: Disability Justice Plan Consultation

22 July 2013

Submission: Water Industry Hardship Policy

25 June 2013