Justice, Opportunity and Shared Wealth for all South Australians

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Submission: Alternative approach to the recovery of the residual metering capital costs through an alternative control services annual charge

25 March 2015

Submission to the Australian Energy Regulator's Consultation Paper on the Alternative approach to the recovery of the residual metering capital costs through an alternative control services annual charge

Download: Alternative approach to the recovery of the residual metering capital costs through an alternative control services annual charge

Submission: New Products and Services in the Electricity Market

18 March 2015

Submission to COAG Energy Counicl on New Products and Services in the Electricity Market

Download: New Products and Services in the Electricity Market

Submission: Submission to Draft Water Allocation Plan for the River Murray

18 February 2015

Submission to Natural Resources, SA Murray-Darling Basin for the Draft Water Allocation Plan for the River Murray

Download: Draft Water Allocation Plan for the River Murray

Submission: AEMC National Electricity Amendment (Bidding in Good Faith) Rule 2014 – Options Paper

9 February 2015

Submission: Australian Energy Market Commission National Electricity Amendment (Bidding in Good Faith) Rule 2014 – Options Paper

Download AEMC National Electricity Amendment (Bidding in Good Faith) Rule 2014 – Options Paper

Submission: Network Capability Proposal ElectraNet

30 January 2015

Submission: ElectraNet Network Capability Proposal

Download: ElectraNet Network Capability Proposal

Submission to the Child Protection Systems Royal Commission

30 January 2015

Submission to the State Government Royal Commission on Child Protection. Despite narrow Terms of Reference of the Commission, this submission argues for a broad view that supports families to thrive and seeks to diminish the wider societal drivers of abuse and neglect.

Download Submission...

Submission: ESCOSA - SA Water Regulatory Rate of Return 2016 - 2020 Draft Report to the Treasurer

22 January 2015

Submission: ESCOSA - SA Water Regulatory Rate of Return 2016 - 2020 Draft Report to the Treasurer

Download: SA Water Regulatory Rate of Return 2016 - 2020 Draft Report to the Treasurer

Submission: Senate Standing Committee on Environment and Communications References Committee - Inquiry into the performance and management of electricity network companies

12 December 2014

Submission: Senate Standing Committee on Environment and Communications References Committee - Inquiry into the performance and management of electricity network companies

Download Inquiry into the performance and management of electricity network companies

Submission: AEMC 2015 Retail Competition Review Consultation Paper

27 November 2014

Submission: The Australian Energy Market Commission's 2015 Retail Competition Review Consultation Paper

Download 2015 Retail Competition Review Consultation Paper

Submission: Transforming Health Discussion Paper Feedback

21 November 2014

Submission on proposed changes to the South Australian health system by The South Australian Council of Social Service, Public Health Association of Australia SA Branch, Australian Health Promotion Association SA Branch, Southgate Institute for Health Society & Equity and Health Consumers Alliance of SA Inc.

Download Transforming Health Discussion Paper Feedback - Consortium Submission