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Submission: Embeddded Networks Rule Change Request Consultation

23 June 2015

Submission to the AEMC on Embedded Networks Rule Change Request Consultation

Download: Embedded Networks Rule Change Request Consultation

Submission: National Electricity Amendment (Bidding in Good Faith) Rule 2014 – Draft Determination

3 June 2015

Submission to the AEMC's National Electricity Amendment (Bidding in Good Faith) Rule 2014 – Draft Determination.

Download: National Electricity Amendment (Bidding in Good Faith) Rule 2014 – Draft Determination

Submission: ElectraNet Application for Early Implementation of STPIS

13 May 2015

Submission to the Australian Energy Regulator on ElectraNet's Application for Early Implementation of STPIS.

Download: ElectraNet Application for Early Implementation of STPIS

Submission: Review of the NECF in South Australia

13 May 2015

Submission to ESCOSA's Review of The National Energy Consumer Framework in South Australia.

Download: Review of the NECF in South Australia

Submission: Review of Governance Arrangements for Australian Energy Markets

5 May 2015

Submission to the Department of Industry and Science review of Governance Arrangements for Australian Energy Markets.

Download: Review of Governance Arrangements for Australian Energy Markets

Submission: Optional Firm Access Review

27 April 2015

Submission to the AEMC's Optional Firm Access Review

Download: Optional Firm Access Review

Submission: Expanding Competition in Metering and Related Services

27 April 2015

Submission to the AEMC's Expanding Competition in Metering and Related Services Draft Rule Determination

Download: Expanding Competition in Metering and Related Services

Submission: State Tax Review 2015

10 April 2015

Submission by SACOSS in response to the state government's Discussion Paper on South Australia's tax system. In this submission SACOSS puts forward a number of proposals designed to promote behavioural change, as well as proposals to raise revenue more fairly.

Download SACOSS Submission to State Tax Review 2015

Submission: Alternative approach to the recovery of the residual metering capital costs through an alternative control services annual charge

25 March 2015

Submission to the Australian Energy Regulator's Consultation Paper on the Alternative approach to the recovery of the residual metering capital costs through an alternative control services annual charge

Download: Alternative approach to the recovery of the residual metering capital costs through an alternative control services annual charge

Submission: New Products and Services in the Electricity Market

18 March 2015

Submission to COAG Energy Counicl on New Products and Services in the Electricity Market

Download: New Products and Services in the Electricity Market