Justice, Opportunity and Shared Wealth for all South Australians

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Submission: Inquiry into Reform Options for SA Water’s Drinking Water and Sewerage prices

18 September 2014

Submission on the Essential Services Commission of South Australia's Inquiry into Reform Options for SA Water’s Drinking Water and Sewerage prices

Download Inquiry into Reform Options for SA Water’s Drinking Water and Sewerage prices - Draft Inquiry Report

Submission: 15 Minute Planned Interruption Consultation

25 August 2014

Submission on the Department of State Development 15 Minute Planned Interruption Consultation (change to notice requirements relating to planned interruptions of energy supply)

Download 15 Minute Planned Interruption Consultation

Submission: Optional Firm Access, Design and Testing First Interim Report

25 August 2014

Submission on the Australian Energy Markets Commission's Optional Firm Access, Design and Testing First Interim Report

Download Optional Firm Access, Design and Testing First Interim Report

Submission: Joint Consumer Submission on Prepayment Meters

25 August 2014

Submission on the Energy and Water Ombudsman of New South Wales' Prepayment Meters  Discussion Paper

Download Prepayment Meters Discussion Paper

Submission: ACNC Replacement Arrangements

20 August 2014

Submission to the Department of Social Services on their consultation on proposed Australian Charities and Not-for-Profit Commission Replacement Arrangements. The submission is in Department template format.

Download Submission: ACNC Replacement Arrangements

Submission: Review of the Water Retail Code - Minor and Intermediate Retailers

19 August 2014

Submission on the Essential Services Commission of South Australia Review of the Water Retail Code for Minor and Intermediate Retailers

Download Review of the Water Retail Code for Minor and Intermediate Retailers

Petrol Prices and the Impact on Different Household Budgets

14 August 2014

With recent Federal Budget debate in the media focusing on petrol prices and the impact of petrol excise duties, SACOSS went back to the definitive ABS data in the Household Expenditure Survey to identify who would be most impacted by petrol price rises.

Download the SACOSS Fact Sheet: Petrol Prices and impacts on different household budgets

Submission: ToR Child Protection Royal Commission

12 August 2014

Submission on the SA government's draft Terms of Reference for a Royal Commission into the safety of at risk children. The submission calls for broader terms of reference and makes a number of specific proposals for additional terms.

Download Submission: ToR Child Protection Royal Commission

SACOSS 67th Annual Report 2013-14

30 June 2014

Submission: National Electricity Amendment (Expanding Competition in Metering and Related Services) Rule 2014

27 May 2014

Submission on the Australian Energy Market Commission's National Electricity Amendment (Expanding Competition in Metering and Related Services) Rule 2014.

Download National Electricity Amendment (Expanding Competition in Metering and Related Services) Rule 2014