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SACOSS, SVdP, CUAC Joint Submission: AEMC's East Coast Gas Review

10 February 2016

A joint submission from SACOSS, St Vincent de Paul and the Consumer Utilities Advocacy Centre to the Australian Energy Market Commission's East Coast Gas Review.

Download: East Coast Gas Review

Submission: Response to AGN's Revised Regulatory Proposal for the 2016-2021 Access Arrangements

4 February 2016

Submission to the Australia Energy Regulator in Response to Australian Gas Network's Revised Regulatory Proposal for the 2016-21 Access Arrangements

Download: Response to Australian Gas Network's Revised Regulatory Proposal for the 2016-2021 Access Arrangements

Submission: Regulatory Impact Statement for On-supply customer access to energy rebates and the Energy and Water Ombudsman Queensland

27 January 2016

Submission to DEWS QLD on the Regulatory Impact Statement for On-supply customer access to energy rebates and the Energy & Water Ombudsman QLD.

Download: Regulatory Impact Statement for On-supply customers

Submission: Reliability Panel Issues Paper - System Restart Standard

26 December 2015

Submission to the AEMC's Reliability Panel Issues Paper - System Restart Standard

Download: Reliability Panel Issues Paper - System Restart Standard

Submission: Ancillary Services During an Administered Price Cap Event

10 December 2015

Joint submission to the AEMC's Ancillary Services During an Administered Price Cap Event

Download:  Ancillary Services During an Administered Price Cap Event

Submission: Multiple Trading Relationships Draft Determination

10 December 2015

Submission to the AEMC's Draft Determination on Multiple Trading Relationships 

Download: Multiple Trading Relationships 

SACOSS 68th Annual Report 2014-15

23 October 2015

Submission: Retailer-Distributor Credit Support Requirements Rule Change Proposal

20 October 2015

Submission to the AEMC's Retailer-Distributor Credit Support Requirements Rule Change Proposal Options paper

Download: Retailer-Distributor Credit Support Requirements Rule Change Proposal

Submission: Embedded Networks Rule Change Proposal

20 October 2015

Submission to the AEMC's Draft Determination on the Embedded Networks Rule Change Proposal.

Download: Embedded Networks Rule Change Proposal

Submission: SA Power Networks Tariff Consultation

19 October 2015

Submission to SAPN's Electricity Tariff Reform in South Australia Consultation Paper

Download: Electricity Tariff Reform in South Australia Consultation Paper