Justice, Opportunity and Shared Wealth for all South Australians

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Submission to the Australian Energy Market Commission Review of regulatory arrangements for embedded networks

22 May 2017

Submission to the Australian Energy Market Commission Review of regulatory arrangements for embedded networks

Download: Submission to the Australian Energy Market Commission Review of regulatory arrangements for embedded networks

Fact Sheet: South Australian Government Expenditure

20 May 2017

A summary of data from Reality Check: Public Perceptions of South Australian Government Expenditure and Waste showing where the government spends its money, and the contradictions in the SACOSS survey results about public perceptions.

Download Fact Sheet: SA Government Expenditure (Word)

Submission to the Australian Energy Market Commission in response to the Five Minute Settlement Direction Paper

19 May 2017

Submission to the Australian Energy Market Commission in response to the Five Minute Settlement Direction Paper

Download: Submission to the Australian Energy Market Commission in response to the Five Minute Settlement Direction Paper

Submission to Department of the Environment and Energy in response to the Climate Change Policies Review 2017 Discussion Paper

19 May 2017

Submission to Department of the Environment and Energy in response to the Climate Change Policies Review 2017 Discussion Paper

Download: Submission to Department of the Environment and Energy in response to the Climate Change Policies Review 2017 Discussion Paper

Joint Submission to the Climate Change Authority Power System Security, Electricity Prices and Emission Reductions

1 May 2017

Joint Submission to the Climate Change Authority Power System Security, Electricity Prices and Emission Reductions

Download: Joint Submission to the Climate Change Authority Power System Security, Electricity Prices and Emission Reductions

Submission to the Australian Energy Market Commission's System Security Market Frameworks Review

24 April 2017

Submission to the Australian Energy Market Commission's System Security Market Frameworks Review

Download: Submission to the Australian Energy Market Commission's System Security Market Frameworks Review

Fact Sheet: Replacing Conveyance Duties with an Annual Land Tax

19 April 2017

A brief introduction to the proposal to replace stamp duty on real estate sales with an annual land tax, the safeguards required for low income households, and the popular and political barriers to the proposal.

Download Fact Sheet: Replacing Real Estate Stamp Duty with an Annual Land Tax

Submission: Robo-Debt Inquiry

5 April 2017

Submission to the Senate Standing Committee on Community Affairs Inquiry into the “Design, Scope, Cost-Benefit Analysis, Contracts Awarded and Implementation Associated with the Better Management of the Social Welfare System Initiative” (otherwise known as Robo-Debt Inquiry).

SACOSS has joined with ACOSS and others across Australia in calling for Robo-Debt to be scrapped immediately. SACOSS has argued that the program has unrecoverable design and operational flaws and is causing enormous distress to thousands of low-income and vulnerable people.

Submission to the Independent Review into the Future Security of the National Electricity Market

8 March 2017

Submission to the Independent Review into the Future Security of the National Electricity Market


Submission to the Independent Review into the Future Security of the National Electricity Market

Autumn 2017: Disability and the NDIS

1 March 2017

In this issue of SACOSS News we focus on the groundbreaking social welfare reform that is the National Disability Insurance Scheme. With people due to enter the full NDIS progressively from July this year,  it is timely to hear voices across the spectrum about the lead-up, experiences with the trial scheme, and what the future might hold once the full scheme is up and running by July 2018.