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Submission to the Australian Energy Market Commission on Regulating Conditional Discounting Rule Change Request

19 September 2019

Submission to the Australian Energy Market Commission on Regulating Conditional Discounting Rule Change Request 

Download: Submission to the Australian Energy Market Commission on Regulating Conditional Discounting Rule Change Request 

Senate Inquiry on Adequacy of Newstart and other matters

17 September 2019

Submission to the Senate Standing Committee on Community Affairs Inquiry into the Adequacy of Newstart and other matters. The SACOSS submission is short and focuses on raising the rate of Newstart. It basically supports the ACOSS submission, highlights the SA Legislative Council Committee on Poverty which recommended that Newstart be increased, and notes the last SACOSS Cost of Living Report which shows that Newstart has not kept pace with cost of living for the last 3 years.

Housing and Homelessness Strategy for South Australia

2 September 2019

Submission to the state government housing and homeless strategy - strategic intent statement. The SACOSS submission highlights the decline in the stock of social housing and this is fundamental to any strategy to address homelessness and housing affordability, and notes the absence of a commitment in the strategy to increase the stock of social housing.

Download: SACOSS submission to SA Housing and Homelessness Strategy


Submission on ESCOSA's Consumer Experts Panel Background Briefing: Review of the Water Retail Code - Major Retailers

30 August 2019

Submission on ESCOSA's Consumer Experts Panel Background Briefing: Review of the Water Retail Code - Major Retailers

Download: Submission on ESCOSA's Consumer Experts Panel Background Briefing: Review of the Water Retail Code - Major Retailers

Joint submission to the AEMC on the Wholesale demand response mechanism draft determination

5 August 2019

Joint submission to the AEMC on the Wholesale demand response mechanism draft determination

Download: Joint submission to the AEMC on the Wholesale demand response mechanism draft determination

Submission to the AEMC on AEMO's Rule Change Request to Reduce Customers' Switching Times

1 August 2019

Submission to the AEMC on AEMO's Rule Change Request to Reduce Customers' Switching Times

Download: Submission to the AEMC on AEMO's Rule Change Request to Reduce Customers' Switching Times

Submission to the Australian Energy Regulator on ElectraNet's Main Grid System Strength Contingent Project Application

11 July 2019

Submission to the Australian Energy Regulator on ElectraNet's Main Grid System Strength Contingent Project Application

Download: Submission to the Australian Energy Regulator on ElectraNet's Main Grid System Strength Contingent Project Application

Briefing Note: Land Tax Aggregation Changes

9 July 2019

The 2019-20 South Australian State Budget proposed changes to the land tax aggregation - that is, the way land tax is calculated where a person or entity owns multiple properties. The Briefing Note explains the changes which essentially close a loophole used to avoid paying land tax. The changes will contribute an estimated $40m per year to state revenue to pay for vital services.

SACOSS Submission to Energy Security Board Consultation Paper on Converting the Integrated System Plan into Action

28 June 2019

Submission to the Energy Security Board Consultation Paper on Converting the Integrated System Plan into Action

Download: Submission to the Energy Security Board Consultation Paper on Converting the Integrated System Plan into Action

Submission to the Department of Environment and Water Discussion Paper on the Review of the Water Industry Act

24 May 2019

Submission to the Department of Environment and Water Discussion Paper on the Review of the Water Industry Act

Download: Submission to the Department of Environment and Water Discussion Paper on the Review of the Water Industry Act