Justice, Opportunity and Shared Wealth for all South Australians

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Equal Opportunity (Religious Bodies) Amendment Bill 2020

20 November 2020

SACOSS has provided a submission on a draft Bill entitled the Equal Opportunity (Religious Bodies) Amendment Bill 2020. If enacted, it would make a number of amendments to the religious bodies exemptions currently contained in section 50 of the Equal Opportunity Act 1984 (SA). SACOSS's submission  looks at the role the federal government's Religious Freedom Bills, moving to a discrimination by application' model, extending the list of services, and ensuring stakeholders and the community generally are all aware of EO protections.

Access standard for housing: National Construction Code

18 November 2020

In October 2017, the Building Ministers Forum (BMF) agreed to develop a national regulatory impact statement (RIS) for accessible housing. The RIS was to examine the Liveable Housing Design Guidelines (silver and gold levels) as options for creating a minimum access standard in the National Construction Code (NCC). The Australian Building Codes Board (ABCB) released the Consultation RIS for public consultation from 6 July to 31 August 2020. SACOSS wrote to the Minister for Human Services to follow up on this important area.

SACOSS 73rd Annual Report 2019-20

16 November 2020

The SACOSS 73rd Annual Report 2019-20 highlights a busy and challenging year, in which SACOSS has continued to provide strong advocacy as the peak body for the non-government health and community services sector in South Australia, speaking up for those most vulnerable in our community at a particularly challenging time not only for the sector, but the people it serves.

View the SACOSS 73rd Annual Report Online

Submission to the Essential Services Commission of South Australia on the revised performance monitoring framework for SA Water

6 November 2020

Submission to the Essential Services Commission of South Australia on the revised performance monitoring framework for SA Water

Download: Submission to the Essential Services Commission of South Australia on the revised performance monitoring framework for SA Water


Submission to the AEMC on the bill contents and billing requirements rule change

22 October 2020

Submission to the Australian Energy Market Commission on the Bill Contents and Billing Requirements Rule Change

Download: Submission to the Australian Energy Market Commission on the Bill Contents and Billing Requirements Rule Change

Submission to Retailer Energy Productivity Scheme

15 October 2020

SACOSS' Submission to the Department for Energy and Mining's consultation on the activities of the Retailer Energy Productivity Scheme (REPS)

Download: SACOSS submission to the Retailer Energy Productivity Scheme

Submission to ESCOSA on its Draft Inquiry Report into the regulatory arrangements for small-scale water, sewerage and energy services

30 September 2020

Submission to ESCOSA on its Draft Inquiry Report into the regulatory arrangements for small-scale water, sewerage and energy services

Download: Submission to ESCOSA on its Draft Inquiry Report into the regulatory arrangements for small-scale water, sewerage and energy services

Submission on the integration of distributed energy resources

10 September 2020

SACOSS' submission to the Australian Energy Market Commission's consultation to update regulatory arrangements for the integration of distributed energy resources

Download: SACOSS submission on integration of distributed energy resources

Submission to the Productivity Commission’s National Water Reform Issues Paper

28 August 2020

Submission to the Productivity Commission’s National Water Reform Issues Paper

National Construction Code: Consultation RIS

27 August 2020

SACOSS made a submission regarding the Consultation Regulatory Impact Statement: Proposal to include minimum accessibility standards for housing in the National Construction Code. We noted that the Australian Network for Universal Housing Design (ANUHD) also made a thorough and considered submission on this matter, which SACOSS supports, endorsing its analysis and recommendations.