Justice, Opportunity and Shared Wealth for all South Australians

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Submission to the Australian Energy Regulator on SA Power Networks' 2020-25 Revised Regulatory Proposal

16 January 2020

Submission to the Australian Energy Regulator on SA Power Networks' 2020-25 Revised Regulatory Proposal

Download: Submission to the Australian Energy Regulator on SA Power Networks' 2020-25 Revised Regulatory Proposal

Fact Sheet: Better freedoms or bigger burden?

10 January 2020

On 29 August 2019, the Attorney-General released exposure drafts of three draft bills, which together form a legislative package on religious freedom. On 10 December 2019, the Prime Minister and the Attorney-General released second exposure drafts of the three bills.

SACOSS, together with our colleagues at ACOSS, along with a number of other peak bodies and industry groups, have raised a number of concerns about the exposure draft and its likely impacts on our workplaces and on broader community relations.

Submission to ESCOSA on SA Water's 2020-2024 Regulatory Business Proposal: 'Our Plan' 2020

19 December 2019

Submission to ESCOSA on SA Water's 2020-2024 Regulatory Business Proposal: 'Our Plan' 2020 

Download: Submission to ESCOSA on SA Water's 2020-2024 Regulatory Business Proposal: 'Our Plan' 2020 

SACOSS 72nd Annual Report 2018-19

20 November 2019

The SACOSS 72nd Annual Report 2018-19 highlights a year of change, and how SACOSS has worked within it to advocate for justice, equality and shared opportunity in South Australia. We have begun working with new governments at both State and Federal levels, though naturally much of our work has focused on our relationships within the State.

Senate Inquiry into Regional Inequality

18 November 2019

The SACOSS Submission to the Senate Standing Committee on Economics' inquiry into regional inequality focuses on regional poverty, the digital divide and the importance of local community organisations. The submissions makes 7 recommendations, including raising the rate of Newstart, subsiding NBN costs for households on income support, and ensuring government health and community service procurement operations properly recognise the social capital of local non-government organisations.

Submission to the Department for Energy and Mining on the Retailer Energy Efficiency Scheme Review: Directions Paper

1 November 2019

Submission to the Department for Energy and Mining on the Retailer Energy Efficiency Scheme Review: Directions Paper

Download: Submission to the Department for Energy and Mining on the Retailer Energy Efficiency Scheme Review: Directions Paper

Briefing Note: SACOSS' Land Tax and Public Housing Investment Proposal

24 October 2019

Download the Briefing Note: SACOSS Land Tax and Public Housing Proposal

The SACOSS proposals are that the government’s bill be amended to:

Submission to ESCOSA on the Small-Scale Networks Inquiry: Framework and Approach Paper

5 October 2019

Submission to ESCOSA on the Small-Scale Networks Inquiry: Framework and Approach Paper

Download: Submission to ESCOSA on the Small-Scale Networks Inquiry: Framework and Approach Paper

Briefing Note: Land Tax Aggregation - Myths and Misdirections

3 October 2019

A quick response to many of the claims and arguments we have heard raised against the proposed changes to land tax aggregation. Download: Land Tax Aggregation - Myths and Misdirections

For the full SACOSS position on the land tax proposal, see our submission on the Draft Land Tax (Miscellaneous) Amendments Bill

Draft Land Tax (Miscellaneous) Amendments Bill 2019

1 October 2019

The SACOSS submission supports the proposed changes to land tax aggregation to minimise tax avoidance and make the system fairer, but we do not support the extent of the tax cuts which are also part of the Bill. SACOSS is proposing different tax scales and to use the extra revenue to invest in public and community housing to help reverse the decline in these much needed resources.