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Submission in response to the draft South Australian Alcohol and Other Drug Strategy 2024 - 2030

16 July 2024

Download Submission in response to the draft South Australian Alcohol and Other Drug Strategy 2024 - 2030

Preventive Health SA is developing the South Australian Alcohol and Other Drug Strategy 2024-2030  with the aim of preventing and reducing the harms caused by alcohol and other drugs in the South Australian community.

Submission to the Senate Inquiry into the 3G Network Shutdown

22 April 2024

Download SACOSS Submission on the 3G Network Closure

This is a submission to the Senate Standing Committees on Rural and Regional Affairs and Transport's inquiry into the closure of the 3G telecommunications network. It highlights issues of affordability caused by devices being made redundant, and calls for action beyond simply informing consumers about which devices will be impacted by the closure.

Submission on the Attorney-General Department’s Discussion Paper: Minimum Age of Criminal Responsibility – Alternative Diversion Model

4 April 2024

Contrary to the available evidence, the Discussion Paper’s proposals do not constitute a diversionary approach. They fly in the face of the state-based, national and international available expertise, and further serve to harm and criminalise children, and make South Australian communities less safe.

Download Submission on the Attorney-General Department’s Discussion Paper: Minimum Age of Criminal Responsibility – Alternative Diversion Model

Submission to Senate Select Committee on Cost of Living

20 March 2024

Download Submission on Cost of Living

This submission to the Senate Select Committee focuses largely on data (or lack of data) on cost of living issues, the need to understand cost of living pressures as applying very differently to different households (and not at all to some households), and as being not just about prices but fundamentally impacted by housing, income and social transfers in kind.

Submission on Human Rights Act for SA

16 February 2024

In responding to the focus of the Public Inquiry being led by the South Australian Parliament’s Social Development Committee, our submission highlights the importance of having a Human Rights Act in South Australia, and the ways in which such an enactment would improve the everyday lives and rights of people living in this State, as well as enabling more effective governance.

Download: Submission on Human Rights Act for SA

Submission on Portable Long Service Leave Draft Bill

13 February 2024

Download the SACOSS PLSL Submission

SACOSS has long supported Portable Long Service Leave for sector workers, but we recognise that there are significant challenges in system design and legislation. This submission responds to issues in the government Discussion Paper and Draft Bill released for comment in late 2023. Our submission forms a base for SACOSS' ongoing engagement on this issue.

Submission on the Review of the Emergency Management Act

24 January 2024

Submission on the Review of the Emergency Management Act

Download: Submission on the Review of the Emergency Management Act

Submission to ACMA on Telecommunications (Financial Hardship) Industry Standard

24 November 2023

Download SACOSS submission on Financial Hardship Standard

A short submission to the Australian Communications and Media Authortity largely welcoming the proposed Industry Standard on financial hardship, which is both useful in itself and an important step away from the weak industry-led Telecommunications Consumer Protection Code and towards  better (direct) regulation of telecommunications.

Submission on the State Infrastructure Plan - Discussion Paper

13 November 2023

Download the SACOSS Submission on SA's Next 20-Year State Infrastructure Plan - Discussion Paper

The SACOSS submission makes an over-arching recommendation for social impact to be considered in all infrastructure planning, and social impact assessment to be part of all significant infrastructure projects. The submission also provides links to relevant SACOSS work in relation to housing,...

Submission on Draft Residential Tenancies (Miscellaneous) Amendment Bill

4 September 2023

Download the SACOSS Submission on proposed RTA Amendments

The Draft bill contains a series of welcome amendment to the Residential Tenancies Act, including to ban no-cause evictions, to increase the rights of renters with pets, and relieve tenants of some water charges. SACOSS welcomes the bill, but has raised some questions for clarification and proposed a series of changes to improve the bill.