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Energy, Water and Climate Change

Submission: Preliminary Frameworks and Approach for SAPN Regulation

18 February 2014

Submission to the Australian Energy Regulator in response to their Preliminary Positions Paper:  Frameworks and Approach for SA Power Networks Regulatory Control Period Commencing 1 July 2015. The submission focuses on the proposed revenue cap, metering issues, and the continuation of a cap on annual charges to the fixed supply charge.

Submission: Review of Electricity Customer Switching - Options Paper

14 February 2014

Submission to the Australian Energy Market Commission's Review of Electricity Customer Switching Options Paper (23 January 2014). The submission argues that quick switching options are necessary and that default monthly billing options are needed.

Download Submission: Review of Electricity Customer Switching

Submission: Heywood Interconnector Upgrade

7 February 2014

Submission to the Australian Energy Regulator on ElectraNet's Heywood Interconnector Upgrade - Contingent Project Application. The submission focuses on issues of the timing and cost of the project.

Download Submission: Heywood Interconnector Upgrade

Submission: Energy White Paper 2014 - Issues Paper

5 February 2014

SACOSS Submission on the Australian Government Department of Industry Energy White Paper2014 - Issues Paper. The SACOSS submission focuses on regulatory reform and the role of government, and energy productivity.

Download Submission: Energy White Paper 2014 - Issues Paper

Submission: SAPN Service Standards Framework

24 January 2014

Submission to ESCOSA's review of SA Power Networks Service Standards Framework 2015-2020, Draft Discussion Paper.

Download Submission: SAPN Service Standards Framework

Submission to the South Australia – Victoria (Heywood) Interconnector Upgrade – Regulatory Investment Test for Transmission

1 January 2014

Submission to the South Australia – Victoria (Heywood) Interconnector Upgrade – Regulatory Investment Test for Transmission

Download: Submission to the South Australia – Victoria (Heywood) Interconnector Upgrade – Regulatory Investment Test for Transmission

Submission: ESCOS NERL Review Issues Paper

13 December 2013

Submission: AEMC Reliability Settings & VCR

16 November 2013

Submission: Australian Energy Consumers Organisation

20 September 2013

Submission: SA Water Heater Installation Requirements

13 September 2013