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Energy, Water and Climate Change

Submission to the Australian Energy Regulator on the New Reg process

24 April 2018

Submission to the Australian Energy Regulator on the New Reg process

Download: Submission to the Australian Energy Regulator on the New Reg process

Submission to COAG Energy Council on the NEL and NGL Amendment Package to create a binding rate of return instrument

17 April 2018

Submission to COAG Energy Council on the NEL and NGL Amendment Package to create a binding rate of return instrument

Download: Submission to COAG Energy Council on the NEL and NGL Amendment Package to create a binding rate of return instrument

Submission to the Australian Energy Regulator on the Review of the application guidelines for the regulatory investment tests - Issues Paper

5 April 2018

Submission to the Australian Energy Regulator on the Review of the application guidelines for the regulatory investment tests - Issues Paper

Download: Submission to the Australian Energy Regulator on the Review of the application guidelines for the regulatory investment tests - Issues Paper

Submission to Treasury on the Review of Open Banking

23 March 2018

Submission to Treasury on the Review of Open Banking

Download: Submission to Treasury on the Review of Open Banking

Submission to the Australian Energy Regulator on the Draft Retail Pricing Information Guideline 2018

20 March 2018

Submission to the Australian Energy Regulator on the Draft Retail Pricing Information Guideline 2018

Download: Submission to the Australian Energy Regulator on the Draft Retail Pricing Information Guideline 2018

Submission to the Energy Security Board on the National Energy Guarantee Draft Design Consultation Paper

7 March 2018

Submission to the Energy Security Board on the National Energy Guarantee Draft Design Consultation Paper

Download: Submission to the Energy Security Board on the National Energy Guarantee Draft Design Consultation Paper

Submission to the Australian Energy Market Operator on the Integrated System Plan Consultation

27 February 2018

Submission to the Australian Energy Market Operator on the Integrated System Plan Consultation

Download: Submission to the Australian Energy Market Operator on the Integrated System Plan Consultation

Submission to the Australian Energy Regulator on Review of Electricity Network Service Provider Registration Exemption Guideline

23 February 2018

Submission to the Australian Energy Regulator on Review of Electricity Network Service Provider Registration Exemption Guideline, 17 November 2017

Download: Submission to the Australian Energy Regulator on Review of Electricity Network Service Provider Registration Exemption Guideline

Submission to the Essential Services Commission of South Australia on the SA Power Networks Reliability Standards Review: objectives and process

7 February 2018

Submission to the Essential Services Commission of South Australia on the SA Power Networks Reliability Standards Review: objectives and process

Download: Submission to the Essential Services Commission of South Australia on the SA Power Networks Reliability Standards Review: objectives and process

Submission to the Australian Energy Market Commission on the Coordination of Generation and Transmission Investment

5 February 2018

Submission to the Australian Energy Market Commission on the Coordination of Generation and Transmission Investment

Download: Submission to the Australian Energy Market Commission on the Coordination of Generation and Transmission Investment