Justice, Opportunity and Shared Wealth for all South Australians

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Privatisation of Public Services

15 July 2021

The SACOSS submission to the Legislative Council Select Committee Inquiry into Privatisation of Public Services in South Australia focuses on the impact of privatisation on income and wealth inequality. It argues that inequality will be increased where service outsourcing is based on lower labour costs outside of government, or where the rate of return to capital from privatised services is greater than the rate of economic growth, or where the pattern of consumption of a privatised good or service is more regressive than the state tax base.

SACOSS Submission to Government of South Australia’s Draft Water Security Statement 2021

24 June 2021

The State Government’s draft Water Security Statement provides an overview of water security status for key population centres and water resources across South Australia, and includes ten strategic priorities for water security to July 2024.

In response to the draft Statement, SACOSS recommends that:

Response to Review of the SA Associations Incorporation Act

23 June 2021

The Associations Incorporation Act is the governing legislation for many community organisations in South Australia. While a review of the Act was long overdue, the SACOSS response to proposed draft amendments to the Act argues that there was a need for greater consultation or co-design in the review, and that contrary to the stated intention, some of the proposed amendments would increase red-tape or threaten the autonomy of the sector.

Submission to the Economic and Finance Committee Inquiry into Embedded Networks in South Australia

13 May 2021

Submission to the Economic and Finance Committee Inquiry into Embedded Networks in South Australia

Download: Submission to the Economic and Finance Committee Inquiry into Embedded Networks in South Australia

Submission to ESCOSA on the Prepayment Meter System Code Review

11 May 2021

Submission to ESCOSA on the Prepayment Meter System Code Review

Submission to the Department for Human Services on the Review of the Emergency Electricity Payment Scheme

5 May 2021

Submission to the Department for Human Services on the Review of the Emergency Electricity Payment Scheme

Download: Submission to the Department for Human Services on the Review of the Emergency Electricity Payment Scheme

Emergency Electricity Payment Scheme - Department of Human Services

5 May 2021

Emergency Electricity Payment Scheme - Department of Human Services

Download: Emergency Electricity Payment Scheme - Department of Human Services

Submission to DHS on the SA Residential Parks Concession Scheme

3 May 2021

Submission to DHS on the SA Residential Parks Concession Scheme

Download: Submission to DHS on the SA Residential Parks Concession Scheme

Submission on the Indigenous Voice Co-Design Process Interim Report

30 April 2021

The South Australian Council of Social Service Inc. (SACOSS) welcomes the invitation of the Uluru Statement from the Heart with gratefulness and we are committed to work with First Nations, all Federal and State politicians, local and city authorities, religious, ethnic and business leaders, along with like-minded civil society organisations and our fellow citizens, in moving together towards a better future.

SACOSS Submission to the Productivity Commission’s National Water Reform Draft Report

26 March 2021

SACOSS Submission to the Productivity Commission’s National Water Reform Draft Report