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Submission to the Australian Energy Regulator on the ElectraNet Determination 2018-23 Revenue Proposal

13 July 2017

Submission to the Australian Energy Regulator on the ElectraNet Determination 2018-23 Revenue Proposal

Download: Submission to the Australian Energy Regulator on the ElectraNet Determination 2018-23 Revenue Proposal

Joint Submission to the Australian Energy Market Commission on the Distribution Market Model Draft Report

3 July 2017

Joint Submission to the Australian Energy Market Commission on the Distribution Market Model Draft Report

Download: Joint Submission to the Australian Energy Market Commission on the Distribution Market Model Draft Report

Submission to the Legislative Council Select Committee on the State-wide Electricity Blackout and Subsequent Power Outages

30 June 2017

Submission to the Legislative Council Select Committee on the State-wide Electricity Blackout and Subsequent Power Outages

Download: Submission to the Legislative Council Select Committee on the State-wide Electricity Blackout and Subsequent Power Outages

Submission to the Essential Services Commission on the Draft Report for the Inquiry into the Licensing Arrangements for Generators in South Australia

1 June 2017

Submission to the Essential Services Commission on the Draft Report for the Inquiry into the Licensing Arrangements for Generators in South Australia

Download: Submission to the Essential Services Commission on the Draft Report for the Inquiry into the Licensing Arrangements for Generators in South Australia

Response to Future Directions of the Financial Wellbeing and Capability Activity Discussion Paper

31 May 2017

The Financial Wellbeing and Capability Activity Program provides funds for emergency relief and financial counselling services. In its submission on the proposed redesigns for the program SACOSS argued for the recognition that the program was a partnership with the community sector; that there was significant collaboration between providers and other community services agencies; and for the need for the retention of open and flexible eligibility criteria and service provision by funded services.

Linking Services for Mental Health and Wellbeing: Submission to the SA Mental Health Strategic Plan 2017-2022

31 May 2017

The SACOSS submission to the SA Mental Health Strategic Plan is a report of conversations from a sector briefing held in conjunction with the SA Mental Health Coalition and the SA Mental Health Commission. Participants explored their vision for an integrated mental health system, what steps and support would be required to achieve the vision and the support that would be required to maintain the vision. Their vision included an integrated multidisciplinary approach, zero stigma, mental wellbeing as everyone’s business and a system of pathways into a continuum of support.

Submission to the Department of State Development on the Energy Security Target

26 May 2017

Submission to the Department of State Development on the Energy Security Target

Download: Submission to the Department of State Development on the Energy Security Target

Submission to the Australian Energy Market Commission Review of regulatory arrangements for embedded networks

22 May 2017

Submission to the Australian Energy Market Commission Review of regulatory arrangements for embedded networks

Download: Submission to the Australian Energy Market Commission Review of regulatory arrangements for embedded networks

Submission to the Australian Energy Market Commission in response to the Five Minute Settlement Direction Paper

19 May 2017

Submission to the Australian Energy Market Commission in response to the Five Minute Settlement Direction Paper

Download: Submission to the Australian Energy Market Commission in response to the Five Minute Settlement Direction Paper

Submission to Department of the Environment and Energy in response to the Climate Change Policies Review 2017 Discussion Paper

19 May 2017

Submission to Department of the Environment and Energy in response to the Climate Change Policies Review 2017 Discussion Paper

Download: Submission to Department of the Environment and Energy in response to the Climate Change Policies Review 2017 Discussion Paper