Justice, Opportunity and Shared Wealth for all South Australians

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Submission to ESCOSA on its Electricity Distribution Code Review Draft Decision

10 March 2023

Submission to ESCOSA on its Electricity Distribution Code Review Draft Decision

Download: Submission to ESCOSA on its Electricity Distribution Code Review Draft Decision

Submission to the ATSICPP Inquiry in the removal and placement of Aboriginal children in SA

7 March 2023

Download the Submission to the ATSICPP Inquiry in the removal and placement of Aboriginal children in SA

This submission is in response to the Inquiry to consider ways in which Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children can stay connected and safe in their families and communities, and the role of the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Child Placement Principle (ATSICPP) in further enabling this.


Submission to Housing Availability Inquiry Issues Paper

16 February 2023

Download the Submission to EFC Committee Inquiry into Housing Availability - Issues Paper

While the Terms of Reference for the inquiry cover a range of key issues, this submission focused on underlying concerns that need to be considered across all the issues. These include affordability definitions, a focus on renters, hidden housing costs, the impact of housing on inequality and the social determinants of health.

Submission to the AER Review of Consumer Protections for Future Energy Services

14 February 2023

Submission to the AER's review of Consumer Protections for Future Energy Services

Download: Submission to AER Review of Consumer Protections for Future Energy Services

Submission to the Energy Security Board on the Data Services Consultation

13 February 2023

Submission to the Energy Security Board on the Data Services Consultation

Download: Submission to the Energy Security Board on the Data Services Consultation

Submission to the Australian Energy Market Commission on the Review of the Regulatory Framework for Metering Services Draft Report

9 February 2023

Submission to the Australian Energy Market Commission on the Review of the Regulatory Framework for Metering Services Draft Report

Download: Submission to the Australian Energy Market Commission on the Review of the Regulatory Framework for Metering Services Draft Report

Joint Submission to the National Energy Performance Strategy Consultation Paper

7 February 2023

Joint submission to the National Energy Performance Strategy Consultation Paper

Download: Joint submission to the National Energy Performance Strategy Consultation Paper

Submission on the National Energy Performance Strategy Consultation Paper

3 February 2023

Submission on the National Energy Performance Strategy Consultation Paper

Download: Submission on the National Energy Performance Strategy Consultation Paper

Submission on Late Night Trading Code of Practice

30 January 2023

Policy Briefing Note: Residential Tenancies Act Review

20 January 2023

This Policy Briefing Note is a quick summary of the SACOSS submission to the state government Discussion Paper proposing amendments to the Residential Tenancies Act - the major state legislation governing private rentals. SACOSS welcomes some proposals, but calls for a focus on rental affordability, including measures to make energy and water cheaper for renters, and a cap on rent increases.