Justice, Opportunity and Shared Wealth for all South Australians

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Submission to ESCOSA on the SA Water Regulatory Determination 2024: Draft Decision

20 March 2024

Submission to ESCOSA on the SA Water Regulatory Determination 2024: Draft Decision

Download: Submission to ESCOSA on the SA Water Regulatory Determination 2024: Draft Decision

Fact Sheet: SA's Child Protection Expenditure 2022-23

18 March 2024

Policy Brief: Upper Spencer Gulf Development

7 March 2024

Download: Policy Brief - USG Planning 

This Policy Brief is a stand-alone version of the proposal in the SACOSS 2024-25 State Budget Submission calling for social impact and human services planning for the Upper Spencer Gulf. 

Policy Brief: Upper Spencer Gulf Development - Gender Issues

7 March 2024

Download: Policy Brief - USG Planning - Gender Issues

This Policy Brief is a supplement to the proposal in the SACOSS 2024-25 State Budget Submission calling for social impact and human services planning for the Upper Spencer Gulf. It highlights some gender implications of the development and the need for a gender lens in planning.

Joint submission to the Australian Energy Regulator on the Default Market Offer Net System Load Profile Approach

20 February 2024

Joint submission to the Australian Energy Regulator on the Default Market Offer Net System Load Profile Approach

Download: Joint submission to the Australian Energy Regulator on the Default Market Offer Net System Load Profile Approach

Submission on Human Rights Act for SA

16 February 2024

In responding to the focus of the Public Inquiry being led by the South Australian Parliament’s Social Development Committee, our submission highlights the importance of having a Human Rights Act in South Australia, and the ways in which such an enactment would improve the everyday lives and rights of people living in this State, as well as enabling more effective governance.

Download: Submission on Human Rights Act for SA

Submission to the Australian Energy Market Operator on the Draft 2024 Integrated System Plan

15 February 2024

Submission to the Australian Energy Market Operator on the Draft 2024 Integrated System Plan

Download: Submission to the Australian Energy Market Operator on the Draft 2024 Integrated System Plan

Submission on Portable Long Service Leave Draft Bill

13 February 2024

Download the SACOSS PLSL Submission

SACOSS has long supported Portable Long Service Leave for sector workers, but we recognise that there are significant challenges in system design and legislation. This submission responds to issues in the government Discussion Paper and Draft Bill released for comment in late 2023. Our submission forms a base for SACOSS' ongoing engagement on this issue.

Submission to ESCOSA on the Review of Small-scale Network reporting requirements and prescribed customer consumer protections

7 February 2024

Submission to ESCOSA on the Review of Small-scale Network reporting requirements and prescribed customer consumer protections

Download: Submission to ESCOSA on the Review of Small-scale Network reporting requirements and prescribed customer consumer protections

Submission to Productivity Commission’s Water Reform Inquiry

2 February 2024

Submission to Productivity Commission’s Water Reform Inquiry

Download: Submission to Productivity Commission’s Water Reform Inquiry