Justice, Opportunity and Shared Wealth for all South Australians

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Past Events

Building a Climate Resilient Community Sector Conference


Health and community service providers, governments, communities and emergency service providers have a shared responsibility to prepare, and keep safe, communities and individuals who may be more at risk from the impacts of climate change. Join us to find out more about developing and implementing strategies to prepare, adapt and respond to climate emergencies and disasters and create more climate resilient organisations, communities and clients. Save the date for this important upcoming conference!

Regional Roundtable - Kadina


As the peak body for the non-government health and community services sector in South Australia, SACOSS is committed to staying in touch with what is happening across regional SA. SACOSS board and policy council members are keen to hear from community leaders and community members across the government, non-government and business sectors across the Yorke and North Region so we can better advocate on regional issues.

We will be offering this session both in person and online, Please ensure you register via the relevant link.

To Register for in person attendance Click here

To Register for online attendance Click Here

Date: Monday 4th April 10:30am until 2:30pm Lunch is provided

Venue: Copper Coast Sport & Leisure Centre, 1 Doswell Terrace, Kadina



Pre-election Couch Series Session 2



Join us for the Second session of the SACOSS pre-election Couch series.

First up we will hear from Michelle Lensink Minister for Human Services followed by Nat Cook the Shadow Minister for Human Services . Just what are the two parties planning to do about some of the key issues driving poverty and disadvantage in SA? What relationship will each seek to have with the social and community services sector? How important do they rate the contribution the sector makes? And so on.

This event has a particular focus for those working in the health and community services sector, and SACOSS members and member organisations are warmly encouraged to attend. Book a spot for yourself, your executive team if you have one and your Board members.  The more people we have involved the better informed they will be. As importantly, the more of us there and participating, the more seriously the political parties will take the sector.

While this event has a sector focus, it is also of broader interest and relevance for people who care about these issues, and anyone is welcome to register and attend.

Session 1 :  Michelle Lensink the Minister for Human Services & Nat Cook the Shadow Minister for Human Services

To Register Click here

Date: Wednesday 2nd March 12:15pm 

Venue: Webinar

Special Thanks to this sessions sponsors

SA Public Health Consortium Election Forum


The South Australian Public Health Consortium’s 2022 State Election Forum is being hosted virtually from 5.30-7PM and provides members and the public with an opportunity to ask questions and hear from South Australian members of Parliament, including the Minister for Health and Wellbeing, Hon Stephen Wade MLC; Shadow Minister for Health, Chris Picton; Tammy Franks MLC from the Greens Party and Connie Bonaros MLC from SA Best, on issues that you think are important to public health in our state. The event will be moderated by PHAA’s CEO, Adjunct Professor Terry Slevin. 

If you would like to promote the election priorities on your social media accounts, please use #ThinkPublicHealth #SAParli. Feel free to also tag any/all of the organisations in the Public Health Consortium, using; @_PHAA_ @AHPA_AU and @SACOSS.

You can read more about the South Australia Public Health Consortium’s election priorities in its 2022 State Election Platform. And, if you are active on social media and want to help give some more impetus for our politicians and policy makers to #ThinkPublicHealth, check out this social media kit

For more on SACOSS' advocacy on public health, check out the public health page on our 'Cover the Basics' website.

Pre-election Couch Series Session 1


*****Please note we have had a time change to this webinar - New start time***** 12:15pm 

Join us for the first session of the SACOSS pre-election Couch series.

First up we will hear from the Leader of Opposition, Peter Malinauskas.  If he becomes Premier on March the 19th, just what is he planning to do about some of the key issues driving poverty and disadvantage in SA? What relationship would he seek to have with the social and community services sector? How important does he rate the contribution the sector makes? And so on.

Book a spot for yourself, your executive team if you have one and your Board members.  The more people we have involved the better informed they will be. As importantly, the more of us there and participating, the more seriously the political parties will take the sector.

Session 1 : Leader of the Opposition Peter Malinauskas 

To Register Click here

Date: Tuesday 22nd February 12:15pm 

Venue: Webinar

Please watch this space for details of further session.

      Special Thanks to our first session sponsor

CBB – Changing Organisations & Changing Lives. Supporting the Not-for-Profit Sector to enhance business practices, attract and retain quality staff and strengthen its social impact

Housing Affordability and Renters' Rights Forum (online)


Join Shelter SA, Better Renting, Anti-Poverty Network SA and SACOSS to discuss the pressing issue of housing affordability for renters in SA. The ability to find affordable housing used to be a given in South Australia, thanks to a well-resourced public housing sector - what's happened? This event will have a focus on the West Torrens area but renters from other areas are also welcome to attend. We'll hear about the challenges, and also what's needed. We'll be joined by member for West Torrens Tom Koutsantonis MP and Greens candidate for the area Peta-Anne Louth.

Annual Thank You Breakfast 2021



The SACOSS Team would like to thank all our sector colleagues, members and supporters for your invaluable contributions over the last year, please come and celebrate on Thursday 9th December with a scrumptious breakfast on us!

When: Thursday 9th December 7:30am
Where: Marjorie Black House Community Room, SACOSS, 47 King William Rd, Unley

Barista coffee! and breakfast will be provided. 

Register your attendance here.




Housing the Australian Nation Luncheon followed by AGM


We hope you will join us for this special AGM event!

The AGM Luncheon will provide an outstanding opportunity to not only hear a thoughtful and insightful presentation from Peter as our guest speaker, but a chance to connect with friends old and new, and colleagues across our SACOSS community and the sector. Also, for those from member organisations, we will have the usual AGM business, with a chance to catch up on SACOSS news and activities from across the year.

SACOSS AGM Luncheon and Special Presentation -
Housing the Australian Nation: learning from the past to fix the future

Guest Speaker: Peter Mares
Location: Adelaide Pavilion, Veale Gardens, South Terrace, Adelaide
Date and time: Thurs 25 November, 12noon arrival for a 12:30 start. Finish 3pm
Cost: $35 per person (inc 2-course set menu)

To book your tickets Click Here

Putting the spotlight on public housing, which benefits the whole community

SACOSS has been calling for a significant investment in public housing stock as a key element of our current advocacy. Public housing offers a range of benefits across the community. It provides homes for those who are left out of the housing market, adds supply to the market to help make housing more affordable for everyone, and can provide economic stimulus in construction. But the stock of public housing in SA has declined over recent decades. In fact, the waiting list sits at 53% of total public housing stock - the third highest proportion on the country. So there is significant unmet need. Our AGM Luncheon will cast a further light on this important area, with the theme being 'learning from the past to fix the future'.

'Housing the Australian Nation': The story behind the title

The title of the presentation at our AGM Luncheon 'Housing the Australian Nation' is a reference to a pamphlet from 1942 that helped argue the case for Australia's post-war investment in public housing, by pointing to the primary role of housing in wellbeing and to the market failure in providing decent affordable homes for people on the lowest incomes.

About our special guest speaker, Peter Mares

Peter Mares is the author of No Place Like Home: Repairing Australia’s Housing Crisis. His 4-part radio series, Housing the Australian Nation, aired on ABC Radio National in 2020 and he writes about housing and other issues for Inside Story magazine. In his day job Peter is lead moderator and program director at the not-for-profit Cranlana Centre for Ethical Leadership, a partnership between The Myer Foundation, Vincent Fairfax Ethics in Leadership Foundation and Monash University. Peter previously worked for 25 years as a broadcaster with the Australian Broadcasting Corporation. He grew up in South Australia.

Very special thanks to our sponsor

SACOSS Liveable Futures Conference: Towards Climate Justice & Social Equity


Climate change is very much in the spotlight, with local and national advocacy around what is needed both for our planet and our future.

The health and community services sector has been speaking out for fair, fast and inclusive climate action, and various organisations are stepping up through measures such as Climate Active certification.

We have dedicated this conference (our 11th in the series) to some of the important conversations about climate and the future.

We'll be looking at not only the work of community organisations, but the move to net zero; energy and climate justice; green infrastructure and social equity; redesigning an accessible, affordable transport system; water justice; and the future of gas.

When: 18 November, 9am-4.45pm
Where: Hilton Adelaide

Community, health and social service organisations, as well as Government and industry, have a critical role to play to ensure an inclusive climate future, as South Australia continues its transition to renewable energy and other sectors begin to decarbonise. 

And everyone in our community has a role to play in the critical discussions about 'what next'.

There are new opportunities to redesign our residential, transport, water, community and other industry sectors to ensure a decarbonised economy is inclusive and does not leave people behind. The Liveable Futures conference will explore how the low carbon transition can address existing disadvantage by including the experiences and voices of those most impacted by climate change.

Energy and water justice are at the forefront of changes that are needed, with accessible and affordable transport systems and greening new developments also part of the agenda.

What does an equitable future look like and how can the social services sector work closely with government and industry to ensure a sustainable future for all in our community?

Our Liveable Futures Conference offers great speakers and a range of interesting and informative sessions to choose from, as well as time to network and connect with people in person, and across sectors.

Please register and join us on the day if you are able, and help spread the word within your network.

It should be a great event, and an important opportunity to hear from diverse voices on these critical topics.

To make a registration  click here.

The program is available here

A special thanks to this years sponsors

Reducing and Managing Climate Risk - Schedule of upcoming sessions


Climate change has been recognized as a priority across the banking, investment, insurance, energy and communications sectors. Governments worldwide are recognizing that failure to act will result in increased frequency and intensity of weather events and disasters.

People living with poverty and disadvantage are most impacted by these events, as they are unable to afford to mitigate against the risks and may lack the mobility or transport to escape. This results in increased inequity, poverty and worsening health outcomes.

South Australia is expected to experience increased heatwaves, fires and the resultant smoke pollution, drought and dust pollution, more intense storm activity with flooding, and coastal inundation from rising sea levels and storm surges.

These events pose risks for health and community service sector organisations, their assets, people, clients and communities.

Join us for a workshop to get a greater understanding of the risks to your organization, learn how to access and use risk assessment tools and build preparedness and resilience in your organization, clients and community.

There are multiple sessions available in the metro area targeting different parts of our sector, so choose the session that most suits you, and register up to 3 people from your organization.

Our August sessions will focus on smaller organisations and the aged care sector.

Additional sessions are being planned to cater for regional areas in the Riverland, Eyre Peninsula and the Limestone Coast, as well as the Aboriginal community controlled sector.

Metropolitan sessions available - book at the link

  • Small organisations (eg under 50 staff) - Wed 18 Aug
  • Aged care - Wed 1 Sept
  • Large organisations - Tues 14 Sept
  • Disability services - Wed 20 Oct
  • Housing and homelessness - Wed 27 Oct
  • Health - Tues 2 Nov

Regional sessions available - book at the link

You can find out more in the program, or call Kathy on 8305 4231. You can also access this flyer for use in your organisation.

We hope you can join us!

These workshops are delivered by SACOSS and the Australian Red Cross. This project was funded under the Disaster Risk Reduction Grant Program and joint initiative of the Commonwealth Department of Home Affairs and the South Australian Government.