Justice, Opportunity and Shared Wealth for all South Australians

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Past Events

Workforce Training & Development Webinar


SACOSS invites you to join members of the SACOSS Policy Council, for an online briefing about the current landscape surrounding workforce training and development opportunities in SA.  

We are very fortunate to be joined by Cameron Baker, SA’s new Skills Commissioner and David Coltman, Chief Executive, TAFE SA both of whom play crucial roles in addressing SA’s workforce training and development challenges in years to come – especially those in the social and community  services sector.

Join us in this briefing to hear what’s happening and to share your own insights and concerns about some of the workforce challenges facing our sector into the future.

This session is a complimentary session for any SACOSS members and will be held on Monday 9th October, from 11am – 12:30pm via Zoom.


Mt Gambier Heatwave & Bushfire Preparedness events


Community Services Organisations

This session is intended for health and community service providers, and aims to contribute to preparation for the heatwave and bushfire season that is almost upon us. The session will include:

  • the long range weather forecast and environmental conditions for the summer period 2023-2024, with a focus on the Limestone Coast region

  • emergency management agency preparations and approaches to planning for heatwave and bushfire response for people at risk

  • examples of how other service providers have prepared

  • hypothetical scenarios to aid discussion about potential improvements to agency preparedness plans and activities


Monday 23 October


11.00am - 1.00pm


Wulanda Recreation and Convention Centre
7 Margaret Street
Mt Gambier, SA 5290







Community Members and Carers

This session is intended for anyone in the community who feels they are not well prepared for the coming heatwave and fire season, including retirees, parents and families, people with disabilities, people who are new to Australia or anyone who has poor health. We will let you know the seasonal outlook, go through a heatwave and bushfire scenario to get everyone thinking about what to consider in making plans, and share some information and resources to help you get prepared.


Monday 23 October


2.00pm - 3.30pm


Wulander Recreation and Convention Centre
7 Margaret Street
Mt Gambier, SA 5290







This project is brought to you by the South Australian Council of Social Service and Australian Red Cross as part of the People at Risk in Emergencies project.
This project was funded under the Disaster Risk Reduction Grants Program by the Australian Government and South Australian Government.
Views and findings associated with this initiative/project are expressed independently and do not necessarily represent the views of State and Commonwealth funding bodies.


Adelaide Metro (Mitchell Park) - Voice, Treaty, Truth Forum







The South Australian Council of Social Service (SACOSS) and Junction Australia invite you to attend a forum about the Uluru Statement from the Heart and its call to recognise Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples in the Constitution, implement a First Nations Voice to Parliament and work towards Treaty and Truth-telling as key steps on Australia’s journey to reconciliation.

Come along to hear about the Uluru Statement, the forthcoming referendum and the question all Australians are being asked to consider.

The forum will be facilitated by Ngarrrindjeri, Kaurna and Wirangu woman, Melissa Clarke, a delegate at the Constitutional Convention at Uluru and a signatory to the Uluru Statement - Voice, Treaty, Truth.

The forum will include an overview about the Uluru Statement and the referendum process, followed by a panel discussion, question and answer session, a call for action to help take our nation forward and an opportunity for general discussion.

Whyalla - Voice, Treaty, Truth Forum







The South Australian Council of Social Service (SACOSS) and Centacare Catholic Country SA invite you to attend a forum in Whyalla about the Uluru Statement from the Heart and its call to recognise Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples in the Constitution, implement a First Nations Voice to Parliament and work towards Treaty and Truth-telling as key steps on Australia’s journey to reconciliation.

Come along to hear about the Uluru Statement, the forthcoming referendum and the question all Australians are being asked to consider.

The forum will be facilitated by Ngarrrindjeri, Kaurna and Wirangu woman, Melissa Clarke, a delegate at the Constitutional Convention at Uluru and a signatory to the Uluru Statement - Voice, Treaty, Truth.

The forum will include an overview about the Uluru Statement and the referendum process, followed by a panel discussion, question and answer session, a call for action to help take our nation forward and an opportunity for general discussion.

Date:    Friday 29th September 2023
Time:   10.30am - 12.30pm 
Venue: Kimberley Pursche Training Room, Centacare
             25 Forsythe Street, Whyalla

A light morning tea will be served beforehand.

For further information, email: hclack@cccsa.org.au 

We hope you can join us! 

Please RSVP online before close of business on Monday 18th September by clicking on the link below.


Supported by Yes Alliance Capacity Fund, a sub-fund of Australian Communities Foundation

Changing the narrative on climate change and equity


The impacts of climate change are not distributed equally. Climate change is inherently a social justice issue, but our response to climate change doesn’t always recognise how the costs, risks and impacts fall disproportionately on those least able to afford and manage them. Our response to climate change cannot exacerbate or entrench inequality; instead, we should use this as an opportunity to improve our collective wellbeing and work towards a more equitable society – all while tackling the climate crisis.

Join the SACOSS Policy Team to consider how climate change is an opportunity to make systems more equitable and lift the collective standard of living and wellbeing of all South Australians. 

Date:   Thursday 28th September 2023
Time: 9.30am – 12.30pm
Venue: Marjorie Black Community Room




Heatwave and Bushfire Preparedness Planning for the Health and Community Services Sector





Heatwave and Bushfire Preparedness Planning for the Health and Community Services Sector is brought to you, on behalf of the South Australian Government, by Australian Red Cross and South Australian Council of Social Service, and with the support of the People at Risk in Emergencies Project stakeholders.

How might your organisation be better prepared so that your staff and the people you work with are ready for the upcoming heatwave and bushfire season?

Register now for this free event! 

    You can register to attend in person 

    Or register to attend online


Heatwave and Bushfire Preparedness Planning for the Health and Community Services Sector
We are all more at risk at different points in our lives, which affects our ability to prepare for, cope with and recover from emergencies. However, some people’s circumstances mean they might have more difficulties coping when emergencies happen. For instance, people living with certain risk factors, who are often supported by the health and community services (H&CS) sector, tend to bear the brunt of climate extremes and disasters, being overrepresented in emergency impacts and experiencing a longer recovery journey. Ensuring that H&CS organisations are well prepared and have plans to incorporate emergency preparedness activities into their everyday services, support and activities for people at risk, presents a great opportunity to strengthen people’s independence and ability to manage their own wellbeing, while also reducing suffering when emergencies occur.


This session is intended for organisational leadership across the H&CS sector, including risk managers, service managers and other executive managers, and aims to contribute to the above through sharing information about:

  • the long range weather forecast and environmental conditions for the summer period 2023-2024
  • emergency management agency preparations and approaches to planning for heatwave and bushfire response for people at risk
  • examples of how other service providers have prepared
  • hypothetical scenarios to aid discussion about potential improvements to agency preparedness plans and activities

Date:    Tuesday 19 September 2023
Time:    9.00am - 1.00pm, followed by lunch and networking
Venue:  SA Fire and Emergency Services Commission (SAFECOM)
              Kumpati Trruku (ESS HQ)
              Ground floor, 37 Richmond Road, Keswick SA 5035


Adelaide Metro (Stepney) - Voice, Treaty, Truth Forum









The South Australian Council of Social Service (SACOSS) and Mission Australia invite you to attend a forum about the Uluru Statement from the Heart and its call to recognise Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples in the Constitution, implement a First Nations Voice to Parliament and work towards Treaty and Truth-telling as key steps on Australia’s journey to reconciliation.

Come along to hear about the Uluru Statement, the forthcoming referendum and the question all Australians are being asked to consider.

The forum will be facilitated by Ngarrrindjeri, Kaurna and Wirangu woman, Melissa Clarke, a delegate at the Constitutional Convention at Uluru and a signatory to the Uluru Statement - Voice, Treaty, Truth.

The forum will include an overview about the Uluru Statement and the referendum process, followed by a panel discussion, question and answer session, a call for action to help take our nation forward and an opportunity for general discussion.

Date:     Monday 18th September 2023
Time:    12:00pm for 1:00pm – 3:00pm
              A light lunch will be served from 12:00pm before the forum begins at 1:00pm.
Venue: St Peter’s Youth Centre, Cornish Street, Stepney, Adelaide

For further information, please email: PhelanB@missionaustralia.com.au

We hope you can join us! 

Please RSVP online via the link below



Supported by Yes Alliance Capacity Fund, a sub-fund of Australian Communities Foundation

Murray Bridge - Voice, Treaty Truth Forum





The South Australian Council of Social Service (SACOSS), Empowered Communities and ac.care invite you to attend a forum about the Uluru Statement from the Heart and its call to recognise Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples in the Constitution, implement a First Nations Voice to Parliament and work towards Treaty and Truth-telling as key steps on Australia’s journey to reconciliation.

Come along to hear about the Uluru Statement, the forthcoming referendum and the question all Australians are being asked to consider.

The forum will be facilitated by Ngarrrindjeri, Kaurna and Wirangu woman, Melissa Clarke, a delegate at the Constitutional Convention at Uluru and a signatory to the Uluru Statement - Voice, Treaty, Truth.

The forum will include an overview about the Uluru Statement and the referendum process, followed by a panel discussion, question and answer session, a call for action to help take our nation forward and an opportunity for general discussion.

Date: Tuesday 12th September 2023
Time: 10.30am - 12.30pm
Venue: John Dohler Hall, 5 Marchand Stree
Murray Bridge






We hope you can join us! 

Mt Gambier Voice, Treaty, Truth Forums



The South Australian Council of Social Service (SACOSS), Burrandies Aboriginal Corporation and country agency ac.care invite you to attend a forum in Mount Gambier about the Uluru Statement from the Heart and its call to recognise Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples in the Constitution, implement a First Nations Voice to Parliament and work towards Treaty and Truth-telling as key steps on Australia’s journey to reconciliation.

Come along to hear about the Uluru Statement, the forthcoming referendum and the question all Australians are being asked to consider.

The forum will be facilitated by Ngarrrindjeri, Kaurna and Wirangu woman, Melissa Clarke, a delegate at the Constitutional Convention at Uluru and a signatory to the Uluru Statement - Voice, Treaty, Truth.

The forum will include an overview about the Uluru Statement and the referendum process, followed by a panel discussion, question and answer session, a call for action to help take our nation forward and an opportunity for general discussion.

There will be two forums held in Mount Gambier. Both include the same content but are available at different times to offer more opportunity for anyone to attend and be better informed as the referendum approaches.

Please choose which forum you would like to attend and RSVP online before close of business on Friday 1st September by clicking on one of the links below.

Date: Wednesday 6th September 2023
Time: Forum 1: 1.00pm - 3.00pm 
Forum 2: 6.30pm - 8.30pm 

Sir Robert Helpmann Theatre
10 Watson Terrace, Mt Gambier 








For further information contact jason.wallace@accare.org.au

We hope you can join us! 


Supported by Yes Alliance Capacity Fund, a sub-fund of Australian Communities Foundation


Changing the narrative on housing



Changing the narrative on housing

Join our facilitator Nicole Halsey and the SACOSS Policy Team to unpack the current unhelpful narratives about housing and together find better ways to think and talk about housing that makes more humane policy solutions not only possible but simple, logical and the most obvious choices.

This complimentary session will include: 

  • Bernie Barrett, Better Renting on renters’ rights and fixing the Residential Tenancies Act 
  • Malwina Wyra on making homes energy efficient and climate resilient 
  • Sue Tilley and Rebecca Tooher on healthy homes as a human right 
  • Greg Ogle on housing supply, taxation and the landlord myth

Date:     Wednesday 9 August 2023
Time:    9.30am - 12.30pm
Venue:  Marjorie Black Community Room, SACOSS
              47 King William Road, Unley 

Places are limited, so register today to secure your spot!

Presentations (PDF format)

Malwina Wyra: Energy Efficiency

Sue Tilley and Rebecca Tooher: Health and Housing

Greg Ogle: Health Supply, Taxes and Discourse

Rebecca Tooher: Narrative Change

Bernie Barrett: Renters' Rights