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SACOSS State Budget 2024-25

The 2024-25 South Australian State Budget was handed down on Thursday 6 June 2024.

SACOSS has produced a full budget analysis, which was released at our Post-Budget Breakfast event with the Treasurer, the Hon. Stephen Mullighan MP, on Thursday 13 June 2024.

Download the SACOSS 2024-25 State Budget Analysis

We have also produced a "budget day" Snapshot, highlighting and rating the most relevant budget measures.

Download the SACOSS 2024-25 State Budget Snapshot

For background, read SACOSS' submission to the state budget process, which makes 11 recommendations for initiatives in 4 key areas: human services, housing, concessions, and regional South Australia. 

Download the SACOSS Submission to the SA Government's 2024-25 State Budget.


Published Date: 
Wednesday, 28 February 2024