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SACOSS Network Tariffs Master Class.

SACOSS recently held a Network Tariffs Master Class in Adelaide.  The purpose of the master class was to expand consumer knowledge of electricity pricing structures with a specific focus on cost-reflective network pricing.  Senior consumer advocates from around the country were given the opportunity to hear from industry experts and to engage with the Tariff reform agenda.

Speaker presentations are available below:

The Language of Tariffs, Gavin Dufty, St Vincent de Paul Victoria

South Australian and Victorian Tariff Design, Peter Buckie, Australian Gas Networks

Network Tariffs Master Class, Kiera Poustie, United Energy

Network Tariff Reform and Customer Impact, Dean Lombard, VCOSS

Jemena's Customer, Stakeholder and Community Engagement for the 2016 - 2020 Electricity Distribution Price Review Regulatory Proposal

SACOSS held its annual Hardship & Affordability Conference 2015: Energy, Water & Telecommunications on the 29th April 2015.

The Conference showcased better practice in addressing hardship and affordability. Recent stakeholder conversations around Australia have identified the need to engage in positive action. The Conference provided the opportunity to consolidate collaborative approaches to prevent financial hardship, facilitate social and financial health and well-being and support businesses in dealing with their customers and communities.

Bringing together leaders from the energy, water and telecommunications sectors, the Conference was one of the most significant gatherings of policy makers, business leaders, regulators, non-profit organisations and community service providers of its kind.

Speaker presentations are available here.

SACOSS Smart Meters Master Class

SACOSS recently hosted a Smart Meters Master Class in Adelaide.  With the introduction of smart meters firmly on the Australian regulatory and policy making agenda SACOSS believes it was timely for consumer representatives to come together to discuss their implications and benefits.  The Smart Meters Master Class provided opportunities for senior energy advocates from around Australia to access an extensive range of topics presented by industry experts.

The speaker presentations are available below:

Keynote Presentation, Getting smarter: NZ’s smart meter success story, Fraser Clark, New Zealand Electricity Authority

Overview of proposed metering reforms, Richard Owens, Australian Energy Market Commission

Emerging benefits and services, Michael Macfarlane, Jemena

Smart meters = Smart Tariffs? Andrew Dillon, Energy Supply Association of Australia

Smart (hopefully) meters, Craig Memery, Alternative Technology Association

What are the additional services consumers can engage to maximise smart meter technology? Doug Ross, Vector

Making smart meters work for consumers: cost and minimum specification, Stephanie Bashir, AGL

Metering Regulation, Bruno Coelho, Australian Energy Regulator

The post-workshop Report is available here

Utilities Literacy – Energy and Water Expos

The Utilities Literacy program aims to reduce financial hardship by informing consumers about utilities related costs. Uniting Communities and UnitingCare Wesley Country SA are running currently energy and water expos providing assistance on the following areas:

  • What concessions are available to you
  • How to organise payment plans
  • How to read and understand electricity contracts
  • How much it costs to run appliances

If you would like to find out more, please contact Sarah Warren at Uniting Communities on (08) 8202 5180 or email utilitiesliteracy@unitingcommunities.org

Utilities Literacy - Training for Community Workers

2-day courses will teach you to share knowledge about:

  • Electricity, gas and water in South Australia
  • Reading and understanding meters and bills
  • Using energy and water efficiently at home
  • How to choose a utility retailer and get a good deal
  • Concessions, complaints, disputes, and hardship

For more info or to find out about course dates and locations contact Heather Merran, Utilities Literacy Trainer, at UnitingCare Wesley Bowden on (08) 8245 7175 or heather.merran@ucwb.org.au